Sew-A-Longs, Quilt-A-Longs, Block of the Month, Mystery Quilt Along, Calendar Quilt Along, Sewing for Christmas, Swaps................. goes on and on.
If someone can please share with me their secret for adding more hours in the day, I would greatly appreciate knowing about it.
Until then..................
time... it is a problem...
I agree! Please someone tell us how you do it. They must NEVER sleep!
I wish I knew their secret. Even now that I'm retired, I still am unable to get as much quilting done as I'd like. ;-)
You didn't mention all the time it takes to read all the blogs that go along with the quilting...I did find out after joining a couple groups there are a lot of folks out there that complete a block or a pillow top, not so many show completed, finished quilts. When I start a project I feel like I need to finish it....that's what really slows me down.
I agree with Kathy ... even though I'm not working any more, it seems I'm doing more than ever and quilting time is rare and precious! :)
Let go of the reins... lol
I use SALs and QALs to fulfill my project plans. For instance I wanted to do 6 charity quilts this year. I'm doing a QAL that will knock 2 out.
The other thing I looked for this year is QALs that had relaxed timelines or were quick to complete.
That said, I've not joined several b/c I know I wouldn't have the time to do them but I've bookmarked them to get back tothe patterns later or see what everyone else has done (for ideas).
It's tough, isn't it? we want to do so much more than there are hours in the day!
LOL! I just left a comment on another blog that I wished I had a maid to do all my other work! Just can't do it all -those blogs that make it look easy - something else is lacking in their lives OR they never sleep! Just keep doing what you're doing - you're doing just fine:)
you're not the only one.
i've tried many BOM, quiltalongs, etc. Never get past the first month. Some I join and then do nothing with. I have a family of 6 to take care of AND work outside the home. Tiring to say the least. I just got a quilt top done for a baby shower in March. Let's hope that ever gets quilted and finished! If you know me well, you probably will know that I most likely won't get the top done and I'll have another UFO sitting in my closet. It depresses me most days.
Same here! I go on a 1/2 empty tank anyway! hahaha! I do have some started from last year I need to finish or get further along!
Good luck!
Oh my gosh, at last! Someone who feels the same as I do. Whew, thought I was just a "slacker"! LOL!!! I'm really having a hard time getting any sewing done at all, what with a sick FIL, cleaning, cooking, running errands, AND trying to keep up with blogging (not doing a good job there!). I'm just gonna have to settle for whatever time I DO have right now for quilting!
I don't, this year I have said, NO so far...and it is hard...but I just can't keep up.
I'm so jealous of all the bloggers I see accomplishing so much! It makes me hide away in my sewing room for a whole day of sewing, just so I can feel like I've done something. I see folks doing '15 minutes of Play', but my mind doesn't just shut off after 15 minutes, and I can't just stop! That's crazy talk to me!
I do know that you should never, EVER get started with that time-sucking Pinterest! Holy cow....don't even look! It's just not worth it! Really! Don't do it! lol
And your last pic.....are those new quilting tools?....cuz I've never seen those before! HA!
Count me as a passenger on the same boat too!
I don't follow alot of blogs but I still check out my list each day and sigh at all the goodies!
Then it's beds, dishes,cleaning or at least tidying up abit, laundry, planning supper, all the while I'm scurrying past my sewing space and feeling somewhat guilty for days going by and not being able to make one stitch!
Yes, I've read some blogs that say "just take the time"...those bloggers must not have 5 kiddies & a working hubby!! Add to that that I paint house interiors when they crop up to boot.
I'd love to know how these "super-stitchers" do it too!
I'm off to the bank before I'm painting some walls ;)
I get these same feelings!...and, I'm an empty nester. Even tho, I have more time than when I was younger...I get more tired. =P
Think of a big sifter. Just think about the projects you see. Let the ones that don't fit YOUR goals or lifestyle...fall thru the holes.
Maybe make a written list. And do what "Sarcastic Quilter" mentioned. Use all the fun things going on help you to get some of the quilts on YOUR list...either in motion or completed.
I'm sure you are doing TONS in your life! Things that matter most to your heart. After all is said and done...looking back...this is what will make you the happiest!
Well, the only thing I can think of is that they don't require much sleep. I heard once that Martha Steward only needs 4 hours sleep a day. I'd be a basket case!
I know that when I spend less time blogging, I get more done...hence my down time in blog land.
Off to do laundry today!
Oh thank goodness! I thought I was the only one! I'm in awe of all that others accomplish. I go for weeks without blogging and all these ideas are just tumbling around in my head. I was hoping to get behind the sewing machine this morning, but floors needed washing, dinner (lunch for us dirt road folk)needed making, cows needed sorting. Maybe this afternoon. Looking forward to learning some secrets!
I have wondered the same thing? How do people manage to do all these things? I honestly am trying as hard as I can just to get to sew some days on my projects for me and my family. I can't imagine having time to sew for swaps. I would love to though, so I'll keep watching for the answer . . .
I'm currently unemployed, have no children, and don't believe in cooking or cleaning. LOL! In 2011, I signed up for a lot of swaps, and quickly realized that they are not a good use of time or materials, so don't plan to do any in 2012. I've signed up for groups that finish UFO's, start new projects from materials on hand, so I'm using the groups as motivation to get things done that I wanted to do anyway. I think the 15-minute group is for a minimum of 15 minutes. I always have a cross stitch, crochet, or hexie project within reach, and always take something in the car. I don't know how people with small children get anything done!
I understand completely!
When I started my blog back in November, I wanted to post a craft project once a week. I'm single, still work in the city, have a I crazy? Not enough hours or I need to say "no" more often. Still, I love my life. And I love reading your blog.
Sometimes cleaning has to be put off until absolutely necessary. I don't have a family to feed, but if I did, I'd go with crockpot meals as well as crockpot soup and bread machine bread. They fill the house with a wonderful aroma. Can you set aside 30 mins a day to sew? Every little bit helps.
In the last month I just decided sleep was optional. That's the only way to do it all. Oh that and pick and chose what you have time for. Don't join every thing just fine one or 2 and run with it.
Or perhaps recenter your question. Are you happy with what you are accomplishing... silly to compare you to someone else.
It's like a science project you have the same environment for two plants and expect them to do the same thing, but change a tiny bit about the environment of one plant and now the outcomes could vary.
As long as you are happy that you are keeping a house or tending to your family, or sewing up a storm or whatever it is that you want to accomplish then life is good. All about perspective for me.
Great post....I concur!!!
I don't join anything with a deadline. I learnt very quickly not to do that :0). I only join anything if I don't have to send anything to anyone now. I did do one swap over Christmas which I enjoyed very much, but that is the only one I'll do. Have too many things to make for my own commitments without adding extras. That is added to life stuff and it is enough - I am content. :0)
I feel with you ... having no sewing machine makes it even worse. Just compare the speed of a machine to your fingers.
I hope you draw comfort from the knowledge that your (massive) output makes me feel like I never get anything done ...
Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!!! You all rock! I absolutely agree with your position. I decided awhile back that it just takes me longer to do things - that's ok cuz that's just 'who I am'. As long as I'm doing (cooking, cleaning, laundry, playing with grands, reading, etc.) and creating, then all's well with where I am. I will admit I'd love to know where the 'over-achievers' make the time...
I have wondered the same thing. I don't think some of those ladies ever sleep.
The demands of life are constantly changing. Maybe there are little kids, or a full time job (or both) or ailing parents or...
The thing is, it isn't the same forever. You have to notice the changes and recognize your time hogs - like the internet.
And wow, Christie made a great point. I vote for just being happy with whatever I do. And now I will rethink offering a quilt-along on my blog.
No kids at home. No job. Housework is at the bottom of my list, but our house stays pretty clean with just the two of us. When I cook, I make sure there are leftovers so that I only cook every couple of days.
Loved reading all of the comments, and I too, am a passenger in that same boat!! jeeze!! Good to see that I'm with fabulous company! LOL!
I spent a lot of time lamenting the same thing and ended up telling myself to give my head a shake - stop pining at all the gorgeous quilt blogs and start making! I am very lucky that my kids are grown, my house is small, and I get to work from home a lot, leaving me energy to quilt in the evenings right now. I found, too, that as I get things accomplished (even just one block) it helps me feel confident and energeized and I think that gives me some of the energy I need! Wouldn't it be nice if we could just quilt all day? I would definitely enjoy that.
I plan on reading every comment to see if I can get a glimpse of how everyone does it too. Loved your post.
I've always been fascinated by how productive some quilters are. I've just accepted that I tend to be a bit of a slow-poke. One thing I did realize is that I like to make bigger projects, which just take longer. And I've cut WAY back on swaps and bees, because they take up a lot of my time and creative juices without much payoff (other than bragging rights) in a lot of cases. I've actually joined two quilt-alongs in 2012, and have finished one top for one, and one of 9 blocks for the other--it's a banner year already!
I do so agree - where does the time go? Since becoming part of the blogosphere I've resisted the temptation to join all the quiltalongs although there are many I'd love to do. I signed up for the FMQ challenge but it is hard to find the time to practise and we've only just started the year! The person who really amazes me is Bonnie over at Quiltville ... I know quilting is her full time job but how does she fit it all in? Does she have staff? (I'm sure Martha Stewart has a whole team of maids and assistants!)
This really is an amazing place of interest on here. I agree with LJ and Christie.I make my plans for projects for the year and If I achieve them this year great.They can be saved if I don't. I am not the fastest but I'm happy and content with what I get finished.I am interested in how people manage their time.
I wish I had more energy!! Usually by the time I'm done with my five kiddos for the day, I'm pooped!! I don't feel like dragging anything out. I have found though, that by living in a fifth wheel, I do more hand piecing and because I don't have to drag out the machine, I get more done!
I couldnt agree more with u. I am amazed how much some ppl manage to get done. But like many others has said, I try to just be happy for what I accomplish and take it from there. I wont join any swaps and qal's and such for now cause atm I'm focusing on just getting back into it all. Thats enough for me. I try not to lose myself in the blogworld completely as its easily done that u peak in every day on a number of blogs which actually takes quite some time. I try to keep that for wednesdays and fridays/saturdays (one of the 2) and every other sunday instead. Thanks for sharing and I love coming back to ur blog. ;)
It certainly is overwhelming. I do what I love ~quilting~ and do what I must ~take care of family & home~ and let the rest take care of itself. Yes there are a few more cob webs in the corner than I would like..but its a choice I make to keep doing what I Love. As long as my crew isn't complaining and they are happy and healthy..I'm not sweating it. =)
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