I loved it! Hadley Beckett's Next Dish was a delightful fun loving story about two chefs, competing for the prize. As you know many cooking shows are based on competition. And Oh what a ride this one is.
Hadley Beckett is smart and spunky. She wields a dessert dish like it was a sword. Making her way to the top, which is no easy feat for anyone, she proves she can win against one of the top chefs. When Max Cavanaugh pitches a fit after his loss, degrading Hadley along the way, he is relegated to 'anger management'. But Max wants a come back. Can Hadley trust the self absorbed bad boy? Pitched together for a once in a lifetime adventure, will Max's change be enough to win Hadley's trust.
Absolutely a great read. Entertaining, hilarious, totally enjoyable.I'm off to find other books by Bethany Turner.
I received a complimentary ebook copy from the publisher, through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.
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