A couple of readers asked to see pictures of our new home. I thought it would be fun to share a few pictures for the next few days. Please remember the furniture belongs to the sellers and will be moved out this weekend. Which leaves us with a blank pallet.

The entry way with those beautiful glass doors.

Living area with a wood burning fireplace.

A small office area just off of the living area.
I wrote a post about finding this house over on my thrifting blog. If you have not already read about it, please take a moment and hop over to
Just a Little Southern Hospitality.
So we are on New Beginnings Day Two. For today there will be two names drawn. One will be for this pattern and fabric -

Lotusland's is an applique pattern, with two blue fabrics to get you started.

Strawberry Jellies is Jelly Roll friendly. I've included enough fabric for the yellow prairie points and the striped binding.
Day Two - To be entered for this giveaway I'd like for you to answer two questions. First, if you were not a quilter, what hobby or craft would you enjoy. Would you make stained glass windows, paint portraits, make sculpture or do woodworking? Let's see what other things interest you.
Secondly, please write in your comment which prize you would like. Blue or yellow :-)

Please be sure to leave a way of contacting you. If your email is set for no-reply, leave an email addy in your comment. Remember to write it out with "at" and "dot".
Okay on to more packing! Have a great day.
first...bummer...first never gets picked..
If I didn't quilt, I think maybe scrapbooking would take over as I have a drawer started and it is starting to overflow...
Yellow, please...
I have always been crafty. If I didn't quilt I would be doing home decorating, embroidery, or cross stitch. Bit I'm glad I discovered quilting it's my favorite thing. I would love the blue kit. Love the pictures of your house.
I already have multiple hobbies, so when I'm not quilting, I'm usually either crocheting or cross stitching. I've also done a bit of needlepoint in the distant past.
If I win, I'd like the yellow project please. Thanks for a great giveaway!
Your new house looks gorgeous! I'm off to check out your other blog right now.
Your new house looks so inviting...
If I were not a quilter I would do workworking from your choices. I would do more needlework given the time. Thanks for sharing I like the yellow.
Your new home looks very nice! I would go back to basket weaving if I didn't quilt. I'd continue embroidering and other sewing though. ;-) Love the yellow kit! Have a happy day!
First, congrats on your retirement and your new home! New beginnings indeed! Let's see, if I didn't quilt... Cross-stitching or scrap booking or furniture refinishing, probably. Thanks for having such a generous giveaway!
Your learning alot about me this week. :-) OK...my first love has always been sewing. While in school I made all my own. Then a friend taught me cross stitch, then I went into wood working and loved my scroll saw...but then needed to paint it so another friend taught me tole painting basics....but my love is quilting and I've stuck with that since 1989. I love the yellow giveaway set. Don't miss mine!!
New houses are so much fun. We moved into ours 3 years ago and it's STILL a work in progress. Along with quilting I love cross-stitch, scrapbooking and card making.
Thanks for the giveaway. Yellow for me!!
Good morning,
My husband and I are do it your self kind of people and so I think if I could afford it and didn't have so pains in my body right now I would love to fix up old homes to resell. Hard work I know but it would be a very rewarding hobby.
I would probably go back to cross stitch too.
I like them both but I will choose...yellow!
Oh, I forgot to tell you that I do like your new home to be. Those front doors are so beautiful.
Since I'm not a quilter, this question is easy. I love to sew garments, paint, draw, write, and would LOVE to make stained glass. I love yellow. Even though I don't quilt, these giveaway gifts would come in handy for me. I am always looking for creative ways to turn something into something else. I have done some appliqued quilt squares that I made into pillows and a shawl for my mom.
Your new home is soooo pretty. I love French doors.
I would so love to learn how to watercolor paint. I have the desire and a midlan of talent, but no skills. I do dabble in knitting and crochet too; as well as needlepoint and cross stitch...a jack of all trades, master of none you might say :)
freeindeed at myfairpoint dot net
#13 lucky number !!! I would be cook & ma favorite is yellow.Hugs from France
Your new home is lovely! If I wasn't learning how to quilt I think I'd be doing cross stitch again or quilling, I love paper :) And if by some chance you happen to pick me... I'd pick yellow.
Wow Beautiful New Home!!!! You lucky lady!!!!
1. If I wasn't a quilter I would still be doing embroidery and cross stitching (I still do both once in a while).
2. Yellow :0)
If I didn't quilt or knit I think I would be a cake decorator. Make all those modern looking tipsy type cakes with the fondont covering instead of the buttercream that I have always used. I would use only the brightest of colours and non-traditional designs. of course then I could eat the results, can't do that with a quilt unless you have really strong teeth.
yellow would be so cheerful to win.
Wow. I love your new home. Any photos for where you will setup your sewing room?
Love your giveaway too. Truthfully, they are both lovely and it is difficult to pick a favorite. But as I'm going with brights right now, I guess my lst pick would be the Me & My Sisters design. Just looks so cheerful! Yet the Lotusland looks so very elegant. Hymm. Too much eye candy to decide!
The front entry and the wood burning fireplace are just beautiful Mary!!
If I didn't quilt, I would make greeting cards and scrapbook. This would include photography.
Both giveaways are fabulous, but I am a dragonfly lover and that blue just sings to me!
If I were not a quilter, well, I already sew clothes, garden and love to cook. However, I would probably take that time to re-learn to play the flute.
As for which give-away, either or. My favorite color is blue, but I have 3 little girls who would love the yellow. Also, the yellow reminds me of the bedroom that I had in the house that I grew up in.
Once agian, thank you for the give-aways. They are quite fun!
Your house looks beautiful, I love those windows. Another lovely giveaway but a bit of a dilemma - I like the jellyroll pattern but prefer the dragonfly fabric...hmmm, I'll go for blue please if I'm lucky enough. If I didn't quilt, well, I've tried a lot of other crafts and abandoned them for quilting but I would love to be able to paint. The idea of capturing a scene with a few strokes of watercolour is very attractive but I don't think it is something I will achieve, I think I would need to be a more relaxed person than I am!
Your new home is very open and inviting! I can see all your wonderful quilts hung up!!
I too love to sew and make things other than quilts. I also love antiques and vintage things. Wish sometimes I was a full time junker with a shop/tea room or B&B!~
Would love the yellow set...;-)
If I didn't quilt, I'd primarily paint. I've always painted. But I might die without quilting! The thereputic hum of the machine keeps me from going loony.
I'm loving the yellow!
bmcelroy at tampabay dot rr dot com
The house looks great. I do other crafts besides quilting but if I were starting a new one, it would definitely be making stain glass windows. I have always wanted to make one. I would love to win the yellow prize.
Love the new house! I have several hobbies already but would love to add photography. Love the jelly roll pattern in yellow.
I went and looked at the new house and it is great! I used to crochet a lot . Had to almost give it up as it makes my hands go numb. I have dabbled in stained glass and really enjoyed it but when I moved here I had to choose between glass and material in the space available and chose material. I still have all my glass supplies packed away and someday,when we build a garage....
Blue and yellow are my favorite colors so either is a winner,though the yellow really is nice.
Cross stitch and embroidery would be on my list if I didn't quilt. I love yellow!
Yellow....yes...yellow it is....
Hummmmmm, maybe I would just be a couch potato?
I am tired, today that sounds good to me....want to join me? I will have treats?
what an intimate cozy dining room with that beautiful window - that is simply stunning !
I love doing metal-work with torches = and I love the yellow !
Your new home looks beautiful! You are going to have a great time filling it with your family :-)
For another hobby and some inherent talent!..I would love to paint watercolors. and for a prize pick...it would be the yellow :-)
Thanks for the fun giveaway.
If I stopped quilting, I would go back to cross stitch. I have stitched for more than 20 years but it has taken a back seat to quilting since last year. I would pick the blue prize. Thanks for the chance.
First, I'm looking forward to seeing more of your new house. If I didn't love quilting, I'd sew more kids clothes and clothes for me. If I couldn't do anything sewing, I'd try to learn to be a great cook - someone who takes a recipe and makes it her own. I like both the blue and yellow but I guess I'd choose the blue first.
vail in tn
vgneal at bellsouth dot net
What a beautiful new home. I hope you post photos of your sewing room soon. If I stopped quilting, I would replace my machine time with writing at the computer, and would replace my applique time with cross-stitching. Hard choice on the colors -- I guess I would say the yellow.
Your house looks wonderful! I used to cross stitch, so if I didn't quilt I'd probably go back to that. I think I'd prefer the blues, although I do love that yellow fabric too! :0)
LOVE your new house. Can't wait to see more photos!!! Congratulations on the house! As for another hobby, I have done cross stitch, crochet,and scrapbooking and the scrapbooking is the one I'd go back to if I stopped quilting. And...while I like the blue fabrics, I've had to accept that I don't do much applique, so......I'd choose the yellow fabrics if I won.
Gorgeous front doors! The house looks good, but know that it will look even better with your furniture and things.
I've always done sewing or some needlework. I've begun knitting lately. I want to knit socks, but have to get better at my basic skills. I've made lots of wash cloths:)
Take care!
I honestly can't remember when I didn't sew, and that early beginning took me to many other needle crafts as well. So, I would knit, crochet, cross stitch, embroider, and even work on my neglectec scrapbooking. Unfortunately, my interests are too varied.
I love the pictures of your new house. I look forward to seeing it as you make it your own. I've been trying to improve my applique skills, so I'm more inteested in the blue.
Your new house is beautiful.
If I was not a quilter (I don't know if I can be called a quilter yet, with only 1 quilt ever made. I do so want to be a quilter though), I think I would be a baker. I love to make things to give to others to enjoy. Baking has a much quicker turn around time then quilting.
I like the yellow set!
Thank You Again,
richshelpmate at yahoo dot com
Oh Jocelyn, what a stunning home - and that front entryway - oh my word - it's breathtaking!!!!
If I wasn't sewing/quilting, I'd defintely be cross stitching or crocheting - along with my baking that I always love to do.
Ah, if so lucky, I'd choose Me and My Sister with the yellow.
I love the front entrance with the gorgeous glass doors - very inviting!! If I did not quilt, I think I would be an author. I love reading and my brain is always ticking over!! I would be very happy with the applique pattern and the blue fabric if I am lucky!!
Regards, Dianne (dianbob@internode.on.net)
I used to paint on china so I think I would be a china painter, had to give it up when I caught the terrible "QUilting Pox"!
My favorite fabric pack & pattern is the yellow but it doesn't matter because I never win anything, LOL
Your new home looks wonderful, lucky you!
I love the yellow! :)
I have been doing needle crafts most of my life, beginning with crewel work (even as a kid, I remember making a small design for my grandma, wonder what ever happened to THAT?) Then on to counted cross stitch which I did for many, many years. I play around with knitting, trying to get the hang of it.
BUT if I could do one thing really well, it would be sing or play an instrument!
Thanks for the give away and I love the window and doors in those pictures :)
shecarita at yahoo dot com
Blue--Make mine Blue!!!!
Love the new house--luck you!!!!
I love those doors!!!!
I know I would want to be a photographer---I love taking pictures--of most anything--as you can see by my blog!!!!
Hugs, Di
Love your new home! Lucky you. If I were not a quilter I would be a scrapbooker. I do dabble, but there is never enough time...Yellow prize is my choice. Thanks!
First, let me say... Beautiful Home!!
Let's see... If I didn't quilt... I would most like paint with oils. :) that is something I haven't done in years.
My favorite of the two prizes is the blue. :)
you can reach me at quilterships@yahoo.com
I have been giving a tour of my house too...love for you to come visit. I quilt, scrapbook, sew, read, sing and do many other arts and crafts. I love it all. If I won I would choose the yellow project. Thanks for the chance!
Let's see, if I weren't a quilter I think I would do rug hooking. Not latchhook, but the traditional kind using thin strips of felted wool. They are so beautiful and it is on my 'someday' list of things to do.
Which one would I choose? These are my two favorite colors, so you are making it hard. I love applique, but have wanted to make a quilt with prairie points. Blue first, yellow second but I'll be happy with whatever the other winner doesn't want.
Lynn D
Oh how pretty! Love the new house! If I wasn't a quilter, I think I would crocheter or knitter. I love the feel of fibers, so that would be the closest to fabric I could get. I would love to take up weaving, too!
I love the yellow pattern, so that would be my choice!
Thanks for sharing your new beginnings with us@
Sandy A
Your new home is beautiful. If I were not a quilter I would read more and probably make jewelry.
Quilting is my passion, so what would I do without it? I think I would paint. I have done that in the past, but I like my pictures made of cloth now. Your home is beautiful. I like the yellow.
I know I'm late lol but I wanted to answer anyway.
I would love to be a photographer!!!! Taking and developing pictures is a beautiful hobby.
I am a big fan of yellow, so I would choose the yellow package of course. Another hobby I would like to try someday (if I weren't so busy quilting) would be furniture refinishing. I think I would love that.
I love the entry way and those doors...oh my!
If I wasn't a quilter I would spend all of my crafting time knitting!
(I like the yellow...bright and sunny!)
I love your new home! Besides quilting, I love to knit, crochet and embroider.
Love your home!
I love the yellow!
If not a quilter, then a scrapbooking-I have enough pictures!
I just love your house. I struggle with what to do first, quilt, embroider, read, or make crafts--both wooden and fabric things. So much to do--so little time!
I'd like to win the yellow.
I am just loving your house. Lotusland is just gorgeous!
If I wasn't a quilter I would still do something with fibers. I am enjoying the pictures of your house...even though I arrived late into this I am still taking it one day at a time and reading. I love your blog and am gooing to be a follower. Oh, I like the yellow!
Thanks...bluiis56@gmail.com Darlene S
If I wasn't a quilter I think I would paint and do children's book illustration. Thank you for doing all the fun giveaways! I love the yellow!
Love the entry way.. Gorgeous, Gorgeous house. Lucky you..
If I wasn't a quilter, I would do both stained glass and some painting. I used to paint, but haven't in recent years. I like the yellow. Thanks for all the giveaways!!
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