She was my teacher, friend, and soul mate in treasure hunting for over 30 years. I used to tag along with her to yard sales, antique shops and all kinds of second hand stores. She loved paper weights, and she also loved vases. She had quite a collection of both. I have several of her paper weights displayed in my home.
But more importantly, she loved my children and was a huge part of their growing up years.
Every Christmas my children and I would descend on her house and decorate for the season. It was a tradition we held until she no longer was able to live by herself. Our memories of her prick my heart, missing her laughter and generous hospitality.
Very rarely does someone come into your life that has left such a deep imprint on your heart. I am most thankful to have known and loved her.

Before the year is out, take time to tell someone you love them. For some people, it can be a very lonely time of year.
Thank you for this post. It is an important message. You were so fortunate to have such a loving presence in your family's life.
I'm truly sorry for your loss, but so happy you found and shared such love and friendship for so many years. This special woman will always be in the hearts and memories of you and your family, always watching over you all.
You never know when time runs out and forgot to say it. AMEN.
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