So tell me, do you have a new word for 2016? Has your one word encouraged you to fulfill your goals in 2015? I'd like to hear how your one word for 2015 motivated you throughout the year. And then share with us your new one word for 2016.
If I were to choose one word I think it might be "edit". Now that might seem like an unusual word for a quilter, but you see, I've also written two novels. They need a lot of work. After submitting them to a writing contest earlier this year, I've been kind of at a loss for the next step. Websters defines the word "edit" - compile, revise, rewrite, adapt. And I must say my manuscripts need a lot of that!

Okay, your turn! What's your one word?
my word for 2016 is EXPLORE. I look forward to learning new things and exploring new ideas in many areas of my life! 2015 was IMAGINE. It was interesting, though it didn't turn out quite the way I imagined! HA! Would love to exchange emails with you and share some ideas for putting your word into action!
Mine is JOY!
I didn't realize the full use of edit. I think it is a great word for you this year. I have not applied this "WORD" process to my life before, however this year I'm going to make my word "kindness". I did not think about how far kindness can reach.
Alright because of you I have my first sewing project. But I don't think it will stop there, I see some crafting coming up as well. I'll need my word in front of me. Oh well, you have given me some things to post about too.
I would love to read one of your books, I'll be praying for your editing and their publishing.
Have a safe and great New Year.
I'm still thinking about it. Have thought about FINISHED, but I actually think I'm going to keep the same word as last year - #CREATIVEGOODNESS.
Your Year of Blog Writing Challenge sounds interesting. I look forward to following you, as always.
"Less"! I certainly need more of Less!
I had never heard of one word - I like the idea much better than the lists I've made in the past - all of them long and tiring!
2016 - the year of Less!-)
I'm getting close to chooosing my word...I have it down to a phrase...LOL!! I like your idea of "edit"....that could lead to a lot of cleansing and rejuvination!
Hi there, I always try to sense and pray over my word for the New Year-but don't have one yet. This year my word was trust and I had to because I was facing the unknown(possible cancer)and then surgery. Thankfully I didn't have cancer, but having major surgery at 63 was hard and recovery hard as well.
I love that you have written two books; I review books for Bethany House and love it.
Hope you have a healthy, prosperous and joyous New Year.
I've done that before, and forgot my word before January was up. Maybe my word this year should be "remember", lol. But thinking about this coming year, I think my word would have to be "faith".
not sure about a word for me, maybe peace as I would love some!Best of luck with your books, you must let us know how you get on with them
I have been pondering this for a number of days, PERSEVERE may be my word for 2016. I had some not so good health news in March 2015, and gave up patchworking/quilting until about five weeks ago.
This year I am going to fight, fight for life, for health, for patchworking, which makes me happy.
My word may change prior to the end of 2015. But is will be along the lines of PERSEVERE!!
The one year I picked a word it was 'progress'. I did make progress on several projects that year.
My word is Discover. Check out my blog www.elmstreetquilts.com and hopefully get some inspiration to put your word on fabric and maybe win a prize!
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