Hoping to catch up on cleaning and organizing now that school has started. Lost my summer - didn't get half of what needed done DONE before school and work again! Two more days will not be sufficient - but I shall do what I can . . .
Just took a ride around the lake on the pontoon (with a quilt wrapped around me) and now some more sewing. How about you? Have a great rest of the weekend.
Well we are at Our little hilton and I have been quite lazy to tell you the truth! Tomorrow is crocheting or sewing though!!! Hope you enjoy the rest of the weekend!!!
Quilting, meeting friends for dinner, quilting, going to a cookout, quilting, have a BBQ at our house, quilting. Do you see a theme here - eating and quilting. My life - LOLOL!
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ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Copyright 2009-2025 Happy Cottage Quilter
None of the above! LOL! We are gathering cattle and branding late calves. Labor Day around the ranch means Labor! Grin!
we are having another couple over for a cookout....a laid back day
Hoping to catch up on cleaning and organizing now that school has started. Lost my summer - didn't get half of what needed done DONE before school and work again! Two more days will not be sufficient - but I shall do what I can . . .
Miss Kathy
Finishing up our sales & chilling!
Hope you have a beautiful holiday weekend, Jocelyn.
Just took a ride around the lake on the pontoon (with a quilt wrapped around me) and now some more sewing. How about you? Have a great rest of the weekend.
The kids and grandkids are visiting and I'm cooking for 10! *lol* We're having a great time...
Well we are at Our little hilton and I have been quite lazy to tell you the truth! Tomorrow is crocheting or sewing though!!! Hope you enjoy the rest of the weekend!!!
As much as I would LOVE to be walking on the beach - I'll be sewing up a storm! Enjoy your weekend hon!
None of the above :0( I'm working all weekend LOL.
Quilting, meeting friends for dinner, quilting, going to a cookout, quilting, have a BBQ at our house, quilting. Do you see a theme here - eating and quilting. My life - LOLOL!
Staying home, enjoying our first day of less than a 100 and perhaps play bingo with other seniors.
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