I love to collect sewing paraphernalia. So digging around in the craft bins at thrift stores, I sometimes come away with little goodies.

Most of these items were 29c each.
at times they get in an assortment of crafting books, so I always check
out the book section. This book on cross stitch patterns
really grabbed my interest. It has some really cute patterns.

you know how it is when you have been searching for that one particular
thing that you would really love to grab a hold of? As I was browsing through the books, I found this! The
one craft book that's been on my list for a long time. I almost
couldn't believe it when I saw the title in the pile of books.

Patchwork Patterns by Ruby Short McKim. This was the Quilting bible
back before quilt books were an every day occurence. I've looked for
this book everywhere, even online. I could buy a newer edition on
the Dover website for $10, but when I looked inside this book, it was
marked $1.00!!!! Wooo-hooo. Absolutely made my day!
Have you found any treasures lately?
I too dig in the bins along with going through the books and magazines. Amazing what you can find sometimes. Found cross stitch linen for 1.00 a pack once! Gave to my niece.
Oh how I love good old thrift stores and Mercantiles. Such fun treasures and finds!!!
Give me a surprise shop, unexpected, unknowing and I'll pop in every time.
Problem? I ususally don't come out empty handed. LOL
I do the same thing. I also like to buy mens plaid or homespun shirts to cut up and use in my quilts. Hugs
What a great find for you! Love to go to Thrift Stores too.
Great finds! I have my first Ruby McKim book. It is what I used to learn quilting with. It is so neat.
Thrift stores can be the most fun places to 'score' sewing type items. Woohoo! That book looks great.
I thought that first book looked familiar.....Yep, I have it! It's inscribed by my MIL "Happy Anniversary - 1990"....she knew I loved doing cross stitch! I remember doing a set of ornaments from this book....using a dozen of the tiny little patterns, including the 2 heart designs and trees on the cover design. I also did a framed piece of the tree on pg 107 as a gift. Really fun! And your sewing finds will look great displayed like the basket on pg 31! I love this book! Have fun! And congrats on finding the other book! A rare find!
Years ago, when we lived in California, there were some great thrift stores that featured a lot of craft kits. They were perfect for my girls to have and make little gifts for friends and family for the holidays. Some of the best finds have been in "sale" bins! XOXO
OH my gosh!!! I too love the craft section of thrift shops and second hand stores. I have to tell you though, How I wish I had known you wanted the Ruby McKim book...I had one here for over 5 years and just a week ago I took it to the Good Will shop. I know you got it for a great price, I just would have loved to send it to you long ago. Ah well, I'm so glad you found it. Big Hugs...
Don't you just love a bargain especially if it's something you've been searching for for ages.I too go dumpster diving at my craft shops and spottie :) Barb.
I have that book. My mom owned a quilt shop in California in the late 70's and sold that book, along with Quilter's Newsletter, which was a black and white newsletter then too. This was all before the rotary cutter and templates were even invented. Although mom did made her own thin plastic templates so she didn't have to cut out those cardboard cereal boxes for making templates to trace around. Every piece was traced around a template with a pencil by hand, cut by hand, sewn and quilted by hand, so you can imagine how long even the simplest quilt took to make. So glad we have easier ways now. I use Ruby's book, but figure out the sizes to cut with my ruler and rotary cutter now.
You and I would be fighting over the same bins! I love Aunt Martha's sewing items!
I love to do this too. I went to a huge thrift shop on Tuesday and found some vintage fabrics and afew older panels and some already cut quilt squares. I thought I had hit payday....Was so much fun.
I always check the craft sections, too. =)
Your book is a great find! I love it when things like that happen. =)
This book is wonderful, I have a copy from way back when I thought I had to have EVERY quilt book! :)
Love thrift stores, although I don't sew much anymore, I look for vintage lace, curtains or tablecloths.
What lovely finds, especially the book, it seems to be a very interesting one.
I have 101 Patchwork Patterns and have made many of the quilts in it. I had forgotten all about it.
I have 101 Patchwork Patterns and have made many of the quilts in it. I had forgotten all about it.
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