Friends. What does that word mean to you?? How have friends influenced your life?? There seems to be different types of friendships. Fair weather friends, passing friendships, heart friends, lifelong friends.
Through the years, I've met gals whom I've befriended. Yet there had never really been that "heart" friend. You know the one that you can share your dreams and deepest thoughts with, and know that they will go no farther then her ear.
When I met Diana, she was such a warm and likable person. She was the type of gal who was everybody's friend. Through the years she became my BFF. We would talk together almost every day. She was giving and hospitable. She loved life and laughed a lot. But the one thing about Diana that made her special, was her unselfish love. Now that's the kind of friend a body needs. Eight years ago she lost her battle with cancer. And I have missed her so much.
God in His kindness brought another lovely lady into my life. We met about 14 years ago as we worked together at a week long conference. She lives over 1000 miles away, but we clicked. And as communication started to flow between us, we discovered that we had so much in common. We would only see each other about once a year, but our friendship started sticking like glue.
Through the years our friendship has grown and blossomed. I value her thoughts and prayers. She visits me a couple of times a year, and I try to visit with her as well. She is truly my Heart friend.

What does it mean to have such a special friend??
"Oh the comfort, the inexpressible comfort, of feeling safe with a person. Having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words. But to pour them all out just as they are, chaff and grain together, knowing that a faithful hand will take and sift them, keep what is worth keeping, and then, with the breath of kindness, blow the rest away." (George Eliot)
Can I challenge you to take a few minutes and write a note to your special friend. Let them know how much they have invested in your life. It will only take a few minutes of your time, but the rewards will last a life time.
I had not heard this saying from George Eliot before. It really touched me as being the perfect description of a BFF. Thank you for sharing :)
I haven't heard that quote before either....it truly sums up friendship as well as your wonderful post. I plan to call my "heart" friend today thanks to you. Great post.
Thanks for sharing the quote from George Eliot, I never read it before, it really says the truth about a friend - and I believe you're a good friend.
We've lived all over and I've had some really good friends, but like you, I have one that is truly my "heart" friend and helped me through my darkest time in my life--losing my daughter to breast cancer. Heart ache doesn't necessarily have to be the indicator of true friendship, but for me, it certainly was. Great post, indeed, XOXO
What a wonderful quote. I have a precious BFF that I have been friends with since we were just little girls. We are both now 60!) We shared our first loves, our marriages, our having babies, illnesses, and deaths. I can't imagine going thru life without a best friend. I am so blessed!
Thank you for sharing.
How odd -- I had just finished talking on the phone to my "heart friend", then I read your post! I haven't had a best friend for decades so having one to share things with now, well, I'm so thankful that it sometimes brings tears to my eyes.
The quote from George Eliot is perfect. :)
I love your post on friends. I, too, have lost many friends over the years and am so grateful to have the 'gal pals' that are a constant in my life. I'm sure that you are treasured just as much as you treasure those in your life.
"Hugs" says it all.
How thought provoking and special. Thanks for the encouragement to contact my friend.
What a wonderful heartfelt post this morning. I too have a long distant very good freind that I met through my sewing & embroidery. She knows my life and I love her dearly.
Beautiful Post Miss J! The quote from George Eliot is one of my all time favorites. Speaks to the soul.
My hands are so much better. Still taking it slow. I wish I was 7 weeks out like YOU! I'm trying not to push myself but I just LOVE what I get to do for a living.
Blessings to you sweet friend and for the awesome post!
Love, Rebecca
Jocelyn, what a great post about friends. I have lost 2 very dear friends, both to cancer, but I have a great friend that loves the same things I do and we have a great friendship. Thanks for visiting my blog and your kind comments.
I am so sorry for the loss of your special friend Jocelyn. It brought tears to my eyes. I do consider myself very lucky to have a couple of very special friends in my life. I truly feel blessed to have good friends in my life. Hugs Khris
Jocelyn, I have only just read your moving post: I have been blessed with three true friends - sadly, like you one lost her battle with cancer in 1988 - she was only 36, I still miss her- have a photo of her close by and think of her daily. I have two other wonderful dear and special friends - Lise who lives 200 miles away but we were neighbours when I lived in Surrey and our friendship has survived many ups and downs of our respective lives - she is probably my very closest friend - and then there is Lynn who is a newer but nevertheless wonderful friend who lives locally to me here in Devon. I cannot imagine how I would have coped without these special people in my life - to have an extra special friend is just worth everything.
Mooi ware woorden. Groeten Wilma
years ago, I cross-stitched that quote for my sis-in-law for her friend. It is my favorite verse regarding friends, thanks for reminding us of the necessity to make those who are so dear to us, aware of what they add to our lives. I have many heart friends, we have loved for a lifetime..
just wanted to let you know I read this post and went to the store and bought a few cards and sent them out
got a phone call this morning from a friend that lives far way it was so nice to hear from her , she was so touched that I sent her a card just to say hello thinking of you !
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