As I looked around, I noticed there were lots of these little pamphlets available with so many different titles.
Machine Needles guide
All About Pins guide
Hand Needles guide
Fabric Adhesives guide
Sewing tools, Marking essentials, Elastics, Fasteners, Cover buttons, Omnigrid Rulers and many more.
I couldn't help but think how these little pamphlets are a helpful FREE tool when you are shopping and have a question about which one to use.
And an update on my GIFT for one of my readers. A couple of weeks ago I offered a one years subscription to Quiltmaker magazine. A lot of things happened during those two weeks, but I did draw a name and tried to contact the winner. That person never responded to my email, so I drew another name. And believe it or not, the second person never responded either. They say that the third time is the charm. So......... the winner of the one year subscription is.........
Amy of A {Redeemed} Quilting Sheep.
Stop by and visit her beautiful blog and tell her "hi!".
Have a great weekend!