Monday, August 30, 2021
Making the most of it
Wednesday, August 25, 2021
Update from Ryan's Case for Smiles
It is hard to believe that it's August already and soon
we will be starting our annual Miles of Pillowcase Smiles
Campaign. Held in September to coincide with Pediatric
Cancer Awareness Month, our Miles of Pillowcase Smiles
Campaign will bring together our volunteers, donors and
families as we work towards a common goal of creating
55,000 pillowcases. Will you help us reach our goal?
Dear Friends,
Here are some ways you can help!
▪ | Grab your fabric, scissors and thread those machines and MAKE some pillowcase smiles! |
▪ | Ask your guild, sewing group, or friends to hold a virtual pillowcase sewing event in September. |
▪ | Don't sew? You can help support our volunteers by making a donation. Donate online or send a check to Ryan's Case for Smiles, 295 E. Swedesford Road #396, Wayne, PA 19087. |
▪ | Does your company "match" charitable contributions? This is a great way to double your contribution to Ryan's Case for Smiles. |
▪ | Host a Facebook Fundraiser to help support Ryan's Case for Smiles! |
▪ | Ask your friends on Facebook and other social media to sew or make a donation for fabric. |
▪ | Post photos on social media of your pillowcase making. Be sure to tag us @Caseforsmiles and hashtag #2021MilesofSmil |
Tuesday, August 24, 2021
Best friend
"A best friend is someone with whom you can sit on the porch, without a word, and then walk away with the feeling that it was the best conversation that you ever had in your life."
~Paula Coelho
International Friendship Day was started by Joyce Hall, who was the founder of Hallmark Cards, in 1930. It was Hall’s idea to mark a day on which people would celebrate their friendships. The United Nations marked the honey-loving tubby bear Winnie the Pooh as the Ambassador of Friendship in 1988, and July 30 was designated as International Friendship Day in the 65th UN’s session in 2011. Friendship Day is celebrated annually on the first Sunday of August.
Sunday, August 22, 2021
Saturday, August 21, 2021
What a week!
This past week I have been staycationing with my hubby. I put my foot down last week when he came home, dragging from work. We have been car shopping, as my car died about a month ago. This is what I have been driving. Nice and big, when I had my kids at home.
So there were decisions that needed to be made. What kind of car, and how old, as we aren't into buying new cars. Did you know that there aren't even any new cars available because of the elusive computer chip that is being held up in another country. So we have visited CarMax, Ferman Chevy, Toyota, Hertz sales. Nothing so far that meets our spending power.
Anyway, we have had an enjoyable week, looking at cars, eating lunch out, doing a bit of shopping. I'm still searching for inspiration for my sewing mo-jo :-( I don't know why I can't find it, but I have seen others on the blogs who are experiencing the same thing. Could this pandemic be the culprit?
Tuesday, August 17, 2021
Good new, fun news, and the bad news
Well we've had a busy week. First up I did some sewing and quilting.
My Bernina made some progress on a child's quilt. Lots of colors. I thought I would do decorative stitching, but at the last I changed my mind and just went for straight.Monday, August 16, 2021
My Anchor Man
"Now this is the commandment, the statues and the rules that the Lord your God commanded me to teach you, that you may do them in the land to which you are going over, to possess it. that you may fear the Lord your God, you and your son and your son's son, by keeping all his statures and his commandments, which I command you, all the days of your life, and that your days may be long. " Deuteronomy 6: 1-2
Recently, while I was driving, I heard a message on the radio. It was about the Anchor Man. The more I listened to this program, I was hearing about my Anchor Man.
My admiration goes beyond understanding. I've seen this walked out in the life of my own Anchor Man. A man of integrity and honesty and faithfulness.
God always has His men. He always has a remnant of faithful men who love God and are anchored on Jesus Christ.
An Anchor man is a man who will have no other gods before them.
Men who will not make graven images. They love the Lord their God with all of their heart, soul and mind.
Men who will not take the Lord's name in vain.
Men who are motivated to work, but not so much that they won't take one day of rest.
Men who honor their fathers and mothers, and are helping to care for them.
Men who will not murder.
Men who will not steal things, whether it is possessions or someone's character.
Men who will not bear false witness.
Men who are a one-woman man.
Men who do not covet but are content and thankful for the blessings God has given them.
I am thankful for the covenant relationship I have with my Anchor Man. I have been blessed to learn from this man who places Christ first in his life every single day.
So this week I am wishing him a Happy Birthday!
Wednesday, August 11, 2021
Carved in Stone
Whenever Elizabeth Camden publishes a book, it always gets my attention. Carved in Stone is the first in the Blackstone Legacy series. A historical romance set in the 1900's in New York City.
Patrick O'Neil is a scrappy lawyer living on the wrong side of the city. He defends the poor and down trodden, usually take wages by barter. Gwen Blackstone Kellerman is an elegant refined lady, who approaches Patrick about a case he is defending. Mick Malone is writing a book, bashing the Blackstone family. Gwen's brother was kidnapped when he was a toddler and she feels Mick got away with the crime.
The story is so interesting, as Ms. Camden always writes with so much history intertwined among the fiction. I have learned something in every book she has written. The facts are always so fascinating when you come to the end of her books. I could not put this book down.
I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the Publisher and NetGalley. All views expressed are my honest opinion.
Sunday, August 8, 2021
Thursday, August 5, 2021
House Quilts free patterns
This blog post from Quilt Inspiration caught my attention.
I'm pretty sure the links still work.
Monday, August 2, 2021
PSA - increase in Postal rates
There will be in increase for postal rates for US Mail starting August 29, 2021.
First Class-Mail postage rate change overview
- Stamps and Forever stamps increase to $0.58.
- First-Class Mail Metered Letters will increase to $0.53 (1 oz.).
- Online postage and meter users will automatically save 5¢ on every First-Class Letter with the Metered Mail rate.
- Rates for First-Class Mail Flats/Large Envelopes increase $0.16 to $1.16 (1 oz.)
- The additional ounce cost for First-Class Mail Letters (Metered and stamps) and Flats remains $0.20.
- Retail Postcards will increase to $0.40.
- Certified Mail increases $0.15 to $3.75. There are two ways to get a signature for Certified Mail.
- Return Receipt – retail (traditional green card), where you complete and receive a physical signature card, increases $0.20 to $3.05.
- Return Receipt - electronic replaces the manual forms with a digital copy of the signature. Electronic return receipt only increases $0.10 to $1.85. You can save $1.20 on every Certified Mail piece by switching to electronic Return Receipt from the more expensive green card.
- First-Class Mail International Letters increase from $1.20 to $1.30.
Do we expect rates to change before the holiday season?
The new rates take effect on August 29, 2021. We do not anticipate further pricing changes for letter mail until next year. The USPS has indicated that there will likely be another peak surcharge for packages this holiday season.