I'm happy to say the winner of the EPP is Joyce C. Thank you to those who played along.
I am on another mission. Last year I made lap quilts for the nursing home my aunt was in. She has since passed away, but I decided that I will try once again to continue to make and donate lap quilts for the residents.
I started over the weekend using my Senior Featherweight Singer.On Thursday I posted the found blocks that I sewed together. And I asked if anyone could find the one additional block that I made with the left over pieces of fabric. It was on the lower (third row) left corner.
There were just little pieces that miraculously went together to make this block :-)Putting these blocks together made up a nice top.
There were eight to start with. I needed to make another block to make this figuration work. Well I didn't know what the original pattern was. And I only had a smidgen of fabric left. But I managed to make a block out of the left over fabric. Can you tell which is the one I made from the scraps?
The January Sew Sampler was not the usual fare.
There were three charm packs included. But other than that, there was nothing that I would normally use.
The Sons of Scandal is a series by Becky Wade. Uneasy Street is the third and final book in the series.
This is Max Cirillo's story. He and Sloane Madison meet in college and go on to start a business together. But when Sloane disappears from an important meeting, Max takes it on himself to remover her from the company. Going from best friends/co-workers to enemies.
The story is about betrayal, forgiveness, loyalty and finding love. The characters host so many deep feelings, deep hurts, and distrust. But I loved how Max finds himself and patiently tries to woo Sloane back. It's a great story with Becky Wade's signature wit and humor. Ivy was a breath of fresh air, as the 15 year old niece of Sloane spending the summer with Aunt Sloane while her parents traveled. The surprise that she uncovers adds a dimension of interest and complexity. Ms Wade has a way of bringing her characters to life, flaws and all. Good clean contemporary romance. A novella with a follow up on Max, Sloane and Fiona would be a great addition to the series.
I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary advanced e-copy of this book. All views expressed are my honest opinion.
Recently I came across a cute Heart Pocket tutorial by Pillar Box Blue.
So I decided to give it a try.
This is my first one. It was a bit of a challenge, but I think if I enlarge the pattern a bit, and practice a little more, it will get easier. Plus I did not have any denim to make my first one. I think it would look cuter in denim.
It has been so cold here in Florida. Down to the 30's. With no real break for a couple of warmer days.
So I have been digging into my stash and ufo's and found these blocks.
Can't really remember what pattern they were from. Or even what fabric line. But I figured I might as well try to make something with them.
So here goes!Over the years I have saved scraps. I just cannot throw away fabric that I could use one day. But lately, I just don't seem to find a project to use them. Pat Sloan talks about using her 2 1/2" squares for a free quilt. So it gave me the idea to try to organize my scraps into useful squares.
Right now I am cutting them into 2 1/2" squares.
Cutting them with my "GO" baby really helps to be accurate and quick.
I know I am a long way from having enough to make a quilt, but it is a start. Later I may also cut 5" squares and 2 1/2" strips.
2 1/2" strips can also make for a quick and easy quilt. Jenny Doan did a tutorial on making them.
Have you ever made the checkerboard quilt using your scraps?
"For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven and do not return there but water the earth, making it bring forth and sprout, giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater,." Isaiah 55:10 |
Do you have a friend who sticks closer to you then a sister? I've had two such friends in my lifetime. One is with the Lord, and the other lives many states away. But yet when I think of the sweet friendships that we have shared, it warms my heart beyond measure.
"There's a blessing in our friendship,
It's a bond between we two.
For the Lord brought us together,
And I thank Him now for you.
You've been there when I needed you,
We've shared our dreams and plans.
And when at times I've fallen down,
You've given me your hand.
You are always such a Joy
Each time that we're together,
But more than that, you are my friend
And in my heart forever."
So today I am thankful for my heart friends. The ones who really care.
And share part of their lives with me. Friends may come and friends may go, but your heart friend is with you forever.
"Kindness is a friend's greatest asset,
With it she can mend misunderstandings
and smooth out rumpled feelings.
With only a well placed word,
She can raise a downcast spirit."
Hug your friend today :-)
Well it has been a fun year, making the quilts for the nursing home. And they have finally been delivered.
They were so appreciative with ooh's and ahh's over them. At the last moment I decided to sew a label on the back for them to write a name. This way when they are washed it won't be confused about getting them back to the right person. I sure hope they like them.