What does that word mean to you? How have friends influenced your
life? There seems to be different types of friendships. Fair weather
friends, passing friendships, heart friends, lifelong friends.
I was a little girl, I had a good friend, and we did everything together. But as would happen, my family moved away and I lost contact with
that friend.
After I moved to another state it was hard to make
new friends. A girl I met in school befriended me. Dorothy was so sweet and friendly.
We stayed friends all through high school. After graduation, she got married,
had a baby, and as we eventually lost contact, our friendship waned.
Walking into the next
step of life I've met other gals whom I've befriended. Yet there was never really that "heart" friend. You know the one you can
share your deepest thoughts with, and know that it will go no farther
then her ear.
In a recent post, I introduced you to Diana. She was such a warm and
likable person. She was that girl that everyone liked, she was everybody's friend. Through the years she
became my BFF. We would talk together almost every day. She was giving
and hospitable. She loved life and laughed a lot. But the one thing
about Diana that made her special, was her unselfish unconditional love. Now that's the kind of friend a body needs. Eleven years
ago she lost her battle with cancer. And I have missed her so much.
in His kindness brought another lovely lady into my life. Even though she lives over 1000 miles away, there was something special about our relationship.We had so many things in common. Communication started to flow
between us. We would only see each other about once a year, yet our friendship started
sticking like glue.
Through the years our friendship has grown. I
value her thoughts and prayers. We try hard to visit each other a couple of times a year, you know, just to catch up on family and rekindle that link of communication. We always pick up where we left off, just like we lived next door to each other.
What does it mean to have such a special friend??
the comfort, the inexpressible comfort, of feeling safe with a person.
Having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words. But to pour them all
out just as they are, chaff and grain together, knowing that a faithful
hand will take and sift them, keep what is worth keeping, and then,
with the breath of kindness, blow the rest away." (
George Eliot)
a moment and write a note to your special friend. Let them know how
much they have invested in your life. It will only take a few minutes,
but the rewards will last a life time.