Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Meddling with Mistletoe


Meddling with Mistletoe is a heat warming holiday story. We meet Whitney and Daniel as they come in contact at the Red Door Inn.

Whitney Garett is making pies to raise money for her tuition for culinary school. Just as she has everything prepared, her oven breaks down. She makes a deal with Marie, of the Red Door Inn. If she can use the oven in their kitchen, she will watch Marie's children. Marie agrees, but only if Whitney can make breakfast for her guests. Whiney is surprised, as the Inn is usually closed during the holidays. But she agrees. 

Daniel Franklin is Aretha's nephew. He is coming to PEI to help Aretha with the sale of her antique shop. He meets with Ruby, a representative for the company buying Aretha out. Aretha thinks Ruby and Daniel would make a good couple, as she thinks he is lonely. She strikes a deal with Whitney. If Whitney will help bring them together, Aretha with cover the rest of her tuition for culinary school. Whitney agrees although she doesn't like the matchmaking. She tries, but the more she is with Daniel, the more she likes him. 

This is such a sweet story. The pacing was good, dialogue, interaction between characters. An altogether delightful clean romance. I have read several of Ms Johnsons books, but this one by far is my favorite.

I received a complimentary ebook copy from the publisher, through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Baby quilt

 I am working on a baby quilt for a shower gift. It is for a boy.

Expected to arrive in November.

I'm using Diary of a Quilter pattern Lattice Baby Quilt. I made this pattern for another baby and I loved how it turned out.

AND I had a package arrive yesterday. 

My July sampler from the Fat Quarter Shop. And it is a really good one!

Monday, July 22, 2024

Are you organized?

 My sister in law has the most beautiful (and organized) sewing room.

And I love this quilt that hangs on the back of her sofa.

My sewing room is always in a constant state of chaos! What about you? Do you work in chaos or order? 

Friday, July 19, 2024

Uncondtional love

I met her when I was first married. She was my husband's aunt and what one might call, a real pistol. She was inquisitive, and honest. Boldly honest.

She and her husband never had any children, but as the "great" aunt, she mothered all of  her nieces and nephews. I can hardly remember a time when she did not light up a room she entered.

I lost my Mom when I was still in my twenties. Not having any siblings, it was a time that left me feeling very much alone. None of  my friends had lost parents. Yet here I was, young and newly married, feeling a deep sense of loss in my life.

Five months after my Mom passed away, this aunt lost her own 91 year old mother. Her loss drew us together like a magnet.  Three years later, when her own husband died, she showed her resilience during her time of deep loss. The bond between us grew even more.

What started as visits and spending time together, grew into a deep loving relationship. She became the "adopted" mother to me, and when my children came along, she became their "adopted" grandmother.  She came to every family event. Never failed to send birthday and anniversary cards. We enjoyed going to lunch or just out for ice cream. Shopping excursions became a fun day. At Christmas, my kids would decorate her whole house. For twenty five years, she was a fixture in our lives.

As her health began to fail, it became necessary to move her into an assisted living facility. My children and I helped her downsize from her home to a little apartment. Then came the day when she could no longer live alone. A caregiver was hired to tend to her needs. Visits became more difficult.

When a stoke finally left her with little strength, it broke my heart to see her struggle. Dementia started creeping in. But she never forgot us. Her eyes would light up and a smile would shine on her face whenever we came to visit.

Through all the years, the one thing that radiated within her, was her unconditional love. It wasn't just with our family, she loved and cared for everyone that came within her radar. She took meals to lonely widows, even when she was a widow herself. She visited anyone who was sick. She was a party girl, and loved being included with family and friends. Everyone loved her as much as she loved them. At times she would tell me she didn't think she was very pretty. But in my eyes, she was beautiful. Her smile alone was like a ray of sunshine.

In all the years we shared together, I only heard her speak once of a person who had hurt her. But she never withheld her love.

We don't always seek out close friendships with people older than our peers. But my life has been richer for having experienced this kindred spirit.  I learned so much from her and deeply miss our times together. She will be forever in my heart as an example of sharing unconditional love.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Birthday quilt

 I think the birthday quilt was a hit. 

I also made a pillowcase to compliment the quilt.

We celebrated by singing Happy Birthday and with cupcakes and ice cream. It was a fun day all around for a new 7 year old.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Once upon a time ....

 Do fairy tales come true?? Maybe sometimes they do. I know that in the providence of a loving God, I met a special man who has been the light and love of my life. We've walked together through the good times and the not so good. I've learned that genuine love has no expectations from those who are loved. Love is giving, not getting. That's what happily ever after is all about.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

A simple idea

While visiting a friend several years ago I was a guest in her basement apartment. She has it decorated so beautifully. One of the things that stood out to me was how she uses her quilts around her home.

The vintage Singer stand at one time had a top on it.

My friend took the top off and had rods made to fit across the frame. She now uses it as a quilt rack.

Pretty clever huh? A simple idea made into a lovely display area :-)

Monday, July 8, 2024

Almost finished

 Working on a deadline. Birthday for #1 Grandson is this weekend. 

I found this cool panel when we were traveling in Texas two years ago. I wanted to make it for my grandson. Just have the binding to finish. I hope he likes it.

                                       Sew and Tell
                                      Midweek Makers
                                      Put Your Foot Dow
                                     Finished or not Friday
                                      Design wall Monday
                                      Beauties Pageant 
                                     Off the Wall Friday

Friday, July 5, 2024

Strawberry/Blueberry Truffle

Want a dessert that will keep them coming for more? How about one that adds patriotic look.

My daughter found this Taste of Home recipe and it is certainly a winner.

DD added the blueberries, and it was not only pretty, it was delicious.
I won't copy the recipe for you here but will send  you to the Taste of Home link.


                                                      Love Your Creativity 

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Happy Independence Day


Independence Day, July 4th, has been a federal holiday in the United States since 1941, but the tradition of Independence Day celebrations goes back to the 18th century and the American Revolution (1775-83). In June 1776, representatives of the 13 colonies then fighting in the revolutionary struggle weighed a resolution that would declare their independence from Great Britain. On July 2nd, the Continental Congress voted in favor of independence, and two days later its delegates adopted the Declaration of Independence, a historic document drafted by Thomas Jefferson. From 1776 until the present day, July 4th has been celebrated as the birth of American independence.

Wishing you a Happy 4th!

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Class Act

 Back in February I found this heart pattern on the Fat Quarter Shop website.

It turned out ok, but I was just not all that happy with it. The grays just aren't my thing. So I decided to class it up a bit

Now that's much better :-)
                                       Sew and Tell
                                      Midweek Makers
                                      Put Your Foot Dow
                                     Finished or not Friday
                                      Design wall Monday
                                      Beauties Pageant 
                                     Off the Wall Friday