I can hear all those machines humming away tonight. As I fired up my sewing machine I visualized hundreds of quilters working on their Friday Night Sew-In projects.
When I was able to settle in, I still was not sure what to tackle. I finally decided that I'd like to use up some of the left over fabric from the quilt I made for my daughter's birthday. I had plenty left but needed a plan......

So I just started sewing four patches and kept going. I'm not sure what the final result will be with this yet, but it is a start.

And tomorrow is another day ;-)
I like them! I had to take a break from the sewing....I'm planning on picking up again in the morning. I got quite a bit done tonight!
Hey Jocelyn, well done you did a great job with those leftovers blocks. I think simple is best. I had fun too and posted mine up earlier this morning. Hope you will go over and have a look - Hugs Nat
This is looking good! Don't you love the softness of pink and brown together? That is is extras from another project makes it even better!
Hi Jocelyn, it was a great feeling to know all that sewing was going on across the world. I've posted mine. I love what you've done, my daughter's new quilt is going to be brown, pink and cream, such a lovely combination (reminds me of Neopolitan ice cream).
Looking good!!! I had to finally quit sewing, I was ripping out more than I was sewing...hummmm
You got tons done...YIPPEE!
What a great way to use up all those left overs and you got to sew with hundreds of people :0)
Lovely...will be so pretty whatever it becomes...like a box of filled chocolates;-)
Wow, look at all those 4 patches - I love 4 patches. It's going to be delightful; can't wait to see more progress. :-)
Okay, I am THOROUGHLY impressed with what you got done, Jocelyn. And, besides that - I LOVE LOVE LOVE the color palette - it appears on my screen to be shades of pinks and browns.
Way to go!!
Those are the sweetest 4 patches! I love pink and brown so much! also Your header is beautiful! Love those fabrics! I am so glad that I did the Sew In! It is so much fun, meeting new people and seeing all this talent! I thought of everyone sewing along too!
Have a great weekend!
Very cute, I love pink and brown together, makes me think of candy floss and chocolates. Hugs xxx
Sounds and looks like that was a good plan. It looks good.
This is so pretty! I started a pink and brown quilt way back when...over 10 years ago. I'm inspired to complete it!
Your quilt is going to be gorgeous! It looks like you got an awful lot done on the Friday Sew-In.
This was so much fun.....look at all of those 4 patch blocks out of leftovers. Very cool!
Hi Jocelyn! Your left over fabric and work in progress is candy to my eyes. You are a wonderful artist! Thanks so much for your visit! It's really great to feel the creative energy and inspiration here in blogland. :)
Hi Jocelyn...lovely colours those pinks and browns together...one of the nicest combinations...And yes tomorrow is another day...Happy Stitching, Dzintra♥x
Love the colors.
Here's mine:
Looks like you're making great progress. Very pretty color combination.
Oh, such a great combination of fabrics and colors! Looks so fun!
I never got this far this morning when I was checking out what everyone did in the Friday night sew in... Looks good.
Cath Ü
I love chocolate and pink together...good choices.
Oh I love it. I did a table runner from a jelly roll. It was fun but I am just a beginner but I love learning and trying. The sew in was so much fun.
I love the fabric that you chose...what fun must have had! Can't wait to see the finish!
Very pretty! So fun to take scraps and turn them into something useful.
Your plan worked. Happy days.
Lovely combination! I'm curious to see the final results! For sure another beautiful work!
ooh looks good - i love the colour combinations
Such a sweet sweet color scheme.
I love the pink & brown colour combo! I'll look out for the next Friday Night Sew-in; sounds like a great way to schedule some fun sewing time. You sure got a lot of work done!
TOO PRETTY! Is that "In The Pink" fabric? Love it!
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