It's been slow going with Madeline. Adjusting to some new medicines has left me a less then enthused. Plus a little bit of dizzy does not make for safe rotary cutting.
Skywatch Friday
12 hours ago
Today's Promise: And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever. |
Oh I hope you feel better really soon.
It's lovely to hear from you! I hope you get to feeling better soon. Your blocks are coming along nicely. Did I mention I love the colors?
I will come and cut for you......
hope you feel better.
The blocks are looking lovely anyway! Nice job! I hope you feel better soon.
I had to start new blood pressure meds last week. The dizziness I had at first is gone but I still get dizzy when I first get into bed. I hate side effects. Hope you feel better soon.
Oh Jocelyn please take care and I hope you soon adjust to the medication and get back to speed, love Lis x
Hope you feel better meds are no fun! Love your blocks.
Those blocks are darling!! Feel better soon!
Ooh, what great looking blocks.
Give sewing a break and give yourself time - I understand how meds can play havoc with your body.
How frustrating when our bodies get in the way of helping us feel better! You are farther along than I am .. just have all the pieces cut and in little baggies - I find I have to be highly organized when Schnibbling. Too bad the deadline is so close - I could send you the cut pieces. Hope you are feeling better.
I hope you adjust to the meds's an uncomfy feeling to have reactions and side effects to meds.
I hope you adjust to the new meds quickly. NO rotary cutting until you do!! Madeline will be patiently waiting until you are better.
Being dizzy is awful. I hope you feel better soon. Your blocks look lovely. The colors are great.
Blessings and Madeline...wonderful combo! Now I really need to get Madeline as I know I'm going to fall in love with this top in the line of fabric your using!
Your blocks are beautiful! There is nothing wrong with a little slower pace, please be careful with that cutter. :-/ Feel better soon!
Take care..really is the pits adjusting to new meds.Lovely blocks and fabrics.
Uh-oh! You're right - dizzy and cutting DO NOT go well together! Hope you can adjust to your meds soon! I have a quick question for you - I've been binding Terry's second quilt and as I sewed around your pretty block - I thought it would make a nice block for a quilt I want to make for my oldest son. Do you remember if you used a pattern for it or did you just come up with it on your own? If you can't remember the block, I can send a picture of it to you :)
Hope you are feeling better soon! Very smart to stay away from the rotary cutter until the dizziness subsides... take care.
I'm hoping you start to feel better quickly. I do love those beautiful blocks you've created!
Getting used to new meds can be trying at best! I agree with everyone else, do not try rotary cutting at this stage!!! I hardly trust myself when I'm not dizzy! Hope you feel better real soon!
I hope you feel better soon.
Oh no - I hope you adjust soon, maybe give up the cutting for now? Just take it slow, hon!
Oh my!! You must be extra careful! Dizzy and rotary cutting sounds like a BAD just take it easy til you feel better.
Take care of yourself. The sewing will still be there when you feel better
Love and hugs Gina xxx
Hope you are feeling better soon and that you find the right remedy. Take good care, I'll bae thinking of you.
Well your blocks sure look good. I hope you feel better soon.
I hope you feel better soon. Miss seeing your creations - Big hugs Nat
You have to watch out for those rotary cutters. They are deadly at the cutting table... Ask me how I know. lol
Oh, Madeline is going to be so pretty in the Blessings fabric! Nice blocks -- can't wait to see it finished!
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