My daughter and I love to search for vintage things. From linens to glassware, we love to find something old. The special aunt that I shared about on Teacup Tuesday taught us a lot about finding a treasure. We used to go to garage sales, thrift stores and antique malls with her through the years. She always loved pretty things, and she passed that love onto us.

One of the antique quilts that we found a few months ago.

My dd found this lovely Wedgewood teacup. She gave this special cup and saucer to a dear friend of hers whose mother had just passed away.

DD found this old Singer sewing machine when she lived in the windy city and brought it all the way back to Florida with her.

She also brought back this vintage fan :-)

And these really cool Brownie cameras.
Antique skis and old windows..........

This cream pitcher belonged to my grandmother. It has little men's faces all the way around. I never knew my grandmothers very well, because they both died when I was young. So it is really special.

And this is my very favorite. This lamp also belonged to my grandmother. One of my aunt's had it in her bedroom. One of the panes was out, and I offered to have it fixed for her. She told me that if I got the pane fixed, I could have the lamp. Was I ever thrilled!!! The pane was perfectly matched by a stained glass company locally, and this lamp sits in my living room.
Yes, I am just an old fashioned girl.
You have some beautiful things...thanks for taking the time to photograph them and share them here.
Wow, such great things! I love the pineapple doily under your lamp! :-) I think we share a love of vintage! :-))
I love looking at all your stuff. I can't imagine finding anything like your old quilt...very lovely. Of course those tea cups always intrigue me.
I love that gorgeous quilt & the beautiful doily ... BUT ... that lamp is breathtaking, Jocelyn. Does the little creamer have any mark on the bottom, they look like little oriental men, are they? Pop over to my post today & get the link where you can research the marks.
TYSM for your kindness & 'ears'. Hugs, TTFN ~ Marydon
I too love old things. I was raised to appreciate them and my parents were always on the look out for things. I think it all started with my maternal grandfather. He would clean out attics and what not for people during the depression. I have a nice lamp that came from his clean outs. I dearly love your lamp. How lucky we are to have those wonderful old things!
Beautiful items and so many memories to go with them.
Thanks for sharing.
Truly lovely items, and what nice memories.
What beautiful treasures!
Beautiful things. I love vintage too.
Great stuff Jocelyn!! I remember having that type of fan and the brownie camera on the left.
I love the colors in the quilt ~ Great find!
Me too! I love finding treasures, but never find any as nice as yours - wow!
I loved seeing your old things. I had one of those cameras when I was very young. The quilt is beautiful as is the cup and saucer. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such a nice comment.
As hard as I try, I have not been able to locate a vintage quilt in any of our local shops. Although the one you've featured today is a relatively simple block, I really like it.
My sister who is 16 years older than me had a brownie camera like the one on the left. It was the first one I learned on. My first was a Polaroid Swinger. A beautiful antique quilt is a wonderful find. And love the Singer too and the teacup...
I loved seeing some of your finds while treasure hunting! I have a fan in my kitchen exactly like yours. I use it in there all the time and it works beautifully...sometimes i take it camping in our trailer when we have hook-ups to power.
Its nice to see things brought out to live again. Things of age are just more interesting to me (and that goes for people too). Thank you for sharing your treasures.
What treasures, Jocelyn! I enjoyed the pictures.
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