Thursday, January 26, 2012


I have to say that I was amazed at the comments from yesterday's post. I loved what everyone shared. And yes, a lot of us have been thinking the same thing. Either some people don't sleep, or they have more hours in the day then I do :-)

All that being said, yesterday had me pondering. Do you ever ponder?? You see last year we shared a word that was to be our flagship for the year. Mine was JOURNEY. What is really kind of funny is that my Journey last year was partly involved with helping my daughter with her journey. She traveled to SE Asia last summer and just a couple of weeks ago she was off again, this time to Australia.

I was not going to think of a word this year, but a word just kept coming to me. And yesterday it formulated. Do you want to know what it is??


And I'm going to tell you how I will use my word. We have a Quilting/Blogging friend who is going through a series of treatments for cancer. Her name is Kaaren and she has a beautiful blog The Painted Quilt. Kaaren is one of the most creative and giving gals in blog land. She designs a Block of the month for her quilty friends (us)!!. So while she is going through treatments, Shelley at Red Quilts would like for us to shower Kaaren with words and cushy packages of encouragement. Won't you help?? You can contact Shelley at Red Quilts or Mary at Quilt Hollow and they will give you Kaaren's mailing address.

We can all share in some way. It doesn't have to be a quilt or some large project. After Kaaren returns home, find someone to share a little love with. There are so many lonely and hurting people everywhere.

Love you, peeps!


Jan Maree said...

I have just left a comment on Shelly's blog so I can get Kaaren's address and send her some Aussie lovin' - thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

You are such a sweet person. Your blog is just soooo feminine. I luv to look at it. How in the world do you make it look so special???

Joanne Lendaro said...

thanks...hopped over and got the address, would greatly appreciate this if ever I needed the cheer.

Anonymous said...

what a gracious thing to do

Cheryl said...

I love your word, and your kind to get the address.

Val said...

Oh I would love to be a part of this. With my hands hurting so bad, I can't do a lot of crocheting or anything right now but I can encourage and share. I was thinking the other day about the word for my year this year. I chose Gentleness. I could not remember who started that. So was it you? And I love your last post...that is how I feel too!!! (smile)