Thank you so much for all of your comments on yesterdays post. You see I sew with some amazing ladies who have a real gift of putting colors together. Everything they make turns out beautifully. Not that I'm comparing, you understand, but I just seem to struggle with coordinating colors together, and I needed to know if it was something that others struggled with.
I also wanted to pass on a helpful hint. You may already know about this, but I didn't so I thought I would share. You know how we've talked about irons before. Keeping the plate clean can be troublesome at times.

I've used a product I bought from JoAnn's to clean my iron, which works fine, but can be pricey. My biggest problem appears to be the plate seems scorched in places.
So I recently found something that works not only on the scorch marks but on gunk that may accumulate on my iron.

Using a damp Magic Eraser (that I use to wipe away marks on my painted walls) I found that it also works on removing every mark on the iron faceplate. I had to use a little more pressure on the indention's as they were well baked onto the faceplate.
But wa-la!!!

Clean iron!!
I found this great idea on Aimee's
It's Overflowing blog.
That's what I use, too! Works great to get rid of the starch built up. =)
Wow! How cool is that... will be trying this for sure! Thanks for sharing!
Nice all-around tool, that Magic Eraser. Thanks for the tip!
Wow!! Good to know!!
That is good to know, I also use water and vinegar after I clean the plate ans steam it out. Salem from Oregon
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!:)
I needed this trick/hint since I have made such a mess of my iron :(
I'm giving this a try!
Great tip on the iron! Now if I could figure a good way to protect my ironing board! :) Your house blocks look fine to me--too early to tell without the sashing, and you can always add more of varied colors as you go along if you need to--I think you're too hard on yourself!
That Mr. Clean Magic Eraser is a life-saver!! I've used it on my iron and can vouch that it does work very well. Great sharing tip! XOXO
That tip is a definitely keeper -- thanks for sharing! :)
What a useful tip...thanks!!
Thanks for the tip :-)
That's good to know. I hate it when my iron get black marks on it for some reason.
I've never bought those, but I will now! Thanks!
I love Magic Erasers but I've never used them on my iron...I will now!
Thanks for the tip!
WOW. I love Magic Erasers...and now I have a new reason to love them more! Thank you!
Very helpful! I would've never have thought to use a Magic Eraser to clean my iron.
I had just been using a damp paper towel and ironing a rough textured towel to clean it. It wasn't really getting into the nooks like I wanted. This is great! Thank you. :)
Light bulb moment! Thanks for sharing this certainly beats the smelly goopy stuff any day!!! Can't wait to have a clean iron!!!
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