Reds are notorious for bleeding. As I was gathering material for a quilt project, I decided I would wash all the reds.

I threw a color catcher into the wash load with these fabrics.

WOW! What a deep shade of pink.
Feeling that this was a lot of dye that was released from the fabric, I decided I would run the reds through another load.

Yep, color catcher gave me another lovely sheet of pinks.
So next time you use reds in your quilt, do you think you would pre-wash the fabric, or take the chance??
I try to pre-wash my fabrics before they ever make it into my sewing room. I do this partly because of wanting to remove excess dye, to minimize bleeding, but also to eliminate the chemicals that are added to the fabrics during the manufacturing process.
I haven't had any problems with reds but I always always wash batiks before I use them...I had a blue batik run on a finished quilt, learned my lesson the hard way.
I have never had a red Moda fabric bleed, but I have had other quilt manufacturers reds bleed, so sometimes I prewash. Better to safe!!
Very smart move when working with reds. You just never know what will happen. I do like how reliable the colour catchers are.
I've had almost every color bleed when washed, so, I prewash all my fabrics, and if the color catcher has any color on it, I wash again, using Retayne. After one baby quilt that bled (pink is NOT a good color for a boy), even my Minkee gets checked.
I always, always, always pre-wash - in case of bleeding but also getting rid of the chemicals. Last batch, I had a dark blue bleed heavily! And it was a Moda.
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