The story centers around Penny Ercanbeck who works in the dead letter office in Washington DC, piecing together missing information to try to send letters on its way. The year is 1883, no electronics, or computers to help in finding information about the writer or sender. Penny finds a letter, filled with the pain of losing his love, which captivates her. A romantic at heart, she longs to carry the letter to Clara, and help restore a relationship.
Thomas is running from his past. He ends up in Azure Springs, where he writes his heart felt letters to Clara, never expecting to receive a reply after a fatal accident . The people of Azure Springs befriend him and are trying to help him to move past his pain.
Penny finds herself in Azure Springs, determined to meet Thomas. Although Thomas doesn't know that Penny knows him, their friendship blossoms.
This is such a lovely story, filled with hope, and inspiration. Ms. Fordham writes emotionally engaging characters, wholesome, with a touch of romance and humor. A delight for summer reading.
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