What is the old saying? A day late and a dollar short?? That's the way I feel sometimes when I come upon something that probably is known by all.
Like, did you know the Fat Quarter Shop has free quilt patterns??
Whoa! Me, that's who didn't know. I was visiting a very lovely blog, Stitching by Starlight, where I was taken back by a lovely quilt Angie was making for her friend. Which one do you ask? Go
HERE and take a look. Go ahead, I'll wait.
tap, tap, tap.....
dum, dee, dum.............
Okay, are you back?? Did you see Jane's Black and White Quilt?? Isn't it amazing?? So I sez to myself, I wonder what pattern this is? I clicked and read the
story behind this quilt. And you know what? It's a FREE pattern! Not only is it a FREE pattern, it is a Rachel Griffith pattern called
Full Swing! And YES it is available for FREE at the Fat Quarter Shop website (along with numerous other FREE patterns).
So you know what I did next, right? After downloading the pattern, I gather up all these lovely little Black and White fabrics that I have been SAVING for just the right pattern.

aHA! This is IT Peeps!!!
Happy Quilting :-)