Staci over at
The Confused Quilter shared about a tool she enjoys using. I had seen this tool used by the Lady herself, Eleanor Burns, but I never put too much thought into it. But Staci's post
HERE was so helpful and informative, that I went out and bought the Shape Cut Ruler taking advantage of JoAnn's 50% off quilting notions sale.
There's a great video tutorial at the June Tailor website, and you can see it
HERE.So why is this tool so great? Most of the cutting I do consists of geometric shapes. I love using charms, and this tool is amazing at making charms.

Sixteen charms made in no time. And there is no loading of a machine, plates, dies or anything special.
When I need to make my binding strips, I just take the folded fabric

fold it again

line up the ruler

make the first cut on zero

find the 2 1/2" line and cut

every 2 1/2"

and wa-la!! I have my perfectly cut strips

easy peasy!

No machine to lug around, no dies to deal with. And the price is soooo affordable.
I bought the 12" x 12" ruler because that was the largest size that my JoAnn's carried. However if I could find the Shape Cut Pro like Staci has at a reasonable price, I would love to use that one too. Can you imagine how quickly you could make sashings??? The video tutorial shows how to make other shapes as well.
So if you like to cut strips, charms, layer cakes and even Half square triangles, it might be worth your while to check out this great tool. I was so amazed at how quickly and simply I was able to cut a whole lot of fabric :-)
Happy Quilting!