Welcome once again to my New Beginnings giveaway! It has been SO much fun to get to know each of you just a little bit better. I feel like I have been friends with some of you ever since I started blogging.
Here is another tour of our new home.

Look at this fabulous kitchen!! I am so excited to have cabinet space!

A shot from the other direction.

The family room which is right off of the kitchen you see on the right.

Looking from the kitchen.
Can you tell I am excited!!

Oh yes we are.
So here is Day Three of my New Beginnings giveaway.

16 spools of Coats and Clark Thread. I use this thread all the time for my piecing. Plus a Hexagon Shape template, 500 Sharp Fine Quilter's Pins and two fat quarters of sewing related fabric. Woo-Hoo are we celebrating yet!
Day Three - As I have enjoyed getting to know each of you, I'd love to know what you would wish for if money was no object. What would be the best birthday or Christmas gift ever!
Leave a comment on this blog. If you are a winner, please be sure I have a way of contacting you. If your email is set for no-reply, leave an email addy in your comment. Remember to write it out with "at" and "dot".
The boxes await! Have a great day!!
I would wish for a customized sewing room. I like the one I have now but it always needs tweaking.
First I want a nicer sewing machine...one that has some fancy stitches on it. Then I want a longarm quilting machine and everything that goes with it. Then I want a sewing room to put them in. Then I want to go on a trip to Australia to meet all the lovely designers own there. I am supposed to dream big, right? LOL
If money were no object.......I'd love about 5 acres of land with a house on it so that my kids could have a room where they could hang out with their friends and family........we have 3 girls sharing a 10'x10'room and 2 boys sharing a 10'x10' room........wasn't an issue when they were little, but now 3 are teenagers and it's getting a bit tight........love the giveaway.
If money were no option, I'd probably buy a farm! I'd stay in the same town though. This is another wonderful giveaway. You can never have too much thread and I would love to give that template a whirl. Your house looks great. I love the kitchen/living room combo.
What a beautiful new home.... That kitchen was made for cooking! I'd definitely wish for a yellow sewing room with a customized everything and windows to let the sunlight in. I have a corner in a windowless basement---but I do love my corner...I never have the right color of thread-what is that?!?! thanks for sharing... throw my name in the hat....
I love the openness of your new home. It'll be a wonderful place for living, entertaining and loving.
If money were no object I'd build a new home. Although I love the 'character' of this 100+yr old home it is inefficient and not great for entertaining or company since the rooms are small and each closed off from the other. We don't have heat upstairs and here in northern Maine you'd think that would be a priority! Raising six kids here has been a challenge, but now my old bones are feeling the cold and I can't keep up with the cleaning....:( I'd make sure the new home (1 floor) came with maid service twice a month....but, I am content to stay here as God sees fit...I love this old home and my vintage stuff....can't find that in a new home....
I would have a bigger house just for more bedrooms so I could have a bigger sewing room and room for a long arm but still have a couple of guest rooms for when the kids and grandkids are here!
If money was no object I would:
* pay my bills
*pay off my girls' houses or buy them new ones (which ever they would want)
*put away more than enough for the grands' college expenses
*give enough to my church to keep them from struggling so much
*give to my in-laws' church to rebuild their sanctuary that burned down
*add a new deck, screened in porch, sun room, a couple of bedrooms, redo our bathrooms and my sewing room, etc.......
*Should I keep on going? I know this list could be never-ending so I'll just quit
The best gift that I could ever receive would be having my grands all live within a half day's drive from me
By the way your house is beautiful! I do love that kitchen. How far away from where you are now are you moving? You've probably already told that in your blog. I got a little distracted when my mom was in the hospital and missed some posts.
I dream of having a large farm house with a room to set up a long arm. The long arm would be first on my list, and the house now is just to small! Your new house looks so full of light, am a person who likes to be able to see out. Take Care
Oh! Happy new home! First I want to wish you much happiness as you and your family settles into this fabulous new home. Such an exciting time and seems to be meant to be! You asked what I would want if money were no object, well, if it were possible to do so I would love to buy some time. Or perhaps help to concur all that needs doing here at Stillmeadow, happiness for my family ~ for this world we live in, good health and an able body to enjoy the time for sewing, quilting, stitching and dreaming. So that's about it, lol.
I really like your new home. Have you moved in yet? If money were no object I would totally get a longarm. Maybe a Tin Lizzy or a HQ 16.
If money were not an object I would like a new home with room for all my family -also a maid to clean and a chef to cook so I could sew whenever I wanted.
Great giveaway. Thanks
You have a beautiful kitchen-family room.
What a fantastic and beautiful home! I love the way the kitchen is laid out.
money no object?
I'd like a new Bernina. And someone to teach me how to use it. A maid. And I'd like to quit my part time job so that I only had to focus on taking care of my family! And a fountain drink machine in my kitchen.
If money were no object, I would donate this house to charity and move my hubby and I back to where the grandkids live. I would have 10 acres with a modest one story house, a workshop for his woodworking and I would buy myself a long arm...
ah...to be able to dream...how fun!
definitely a house by the ocean
Oh WOW a kitchen that holds more than one person at a time!!!!
If money were no object I would build my son's family their dream home (with a MIL's house on the property but not too close by)....and buy all the fabric that strikes my fancy :o)
THREAD!!! Your kitchen is almost as big as my living room. I'm jealous! I can twirl around twice in my kitchen, then I'm out the door. Good thing I don't like cooking, eh?
If money were no object, I'd open a quilt shop. Sell fabric, give lessons, and sell completed quilts. And not give a hoot if I make money doing it, because it'd be a blast!
If money were no object, I will send my quilt to a wonderful longarmer... or buy a new sewing machine ! Hugs
I am loving your new home! So far, everything I've seen it what I would want in my home, even the tile :-).
No need to enter me in your giveaway, but I'll answer your question anyway. If money was no object, we would buy as much acreage as we could in Texas and build our dream home, to include a quilt studio for me and a workshop for DH.
I'm loving your new home! How I would love a kitchen like that! Love, love, love it!
Money no object....money can't buy it. I want to go back and do life over with the things I've learned from living this one. While I do have a wonderful life there are so many ways it could have been far better if I'd only known or shall I say listened.
Do you know, I am content with what I have which isn't a lot but it is enough, I feel very fortunate. A bigger house would mean more heating and cleaning, a faster car would mean more fuel. There are people I'd like to help but money is not always the answer. I would like a flash sewing machine though, oh and a personal trainer!! Hugs, thanks for another great giveaway.
Your house is just so beautiful. Love the kitchen too.
If money was not object I would have my husband retire and we go RVing for about 5 years and then build our dream home.
I'd get a longarm! Of course, I'd also need a new room to put it in. I think I'd build a second story to our garage. That would give me plenty of room to quilt the days away.
If money were no object, I would have a new house with space for a big open sewing room and a garage or three for my husbands hobby. I have the house all picked out, just can't afford to move away. I love to dream.
Love your new home. Absolutely beautiful kitchen and family. Like a big great room. You are so going to enjoy living there. And think of the family gatherings and parties you'll be able to host in this area. Yumm.
Oh I love your new kitchen and family room arrangement! That is going to be so wonderful! If money were no object, the best present would be to have all my family together for my birthday or Christmas. ;-)
Thanks for the fun each day!
If money was no object I'd pay off my grandmother's mortgage so she could retire in peace... she's only 67 but I feel like she's worked so hard she deserves time to quilt. Then I'd build my aunt a house she could afford to live in so she no longer had to live with my nan!
I'd also pay off my student loan, buy a home (with a quilt studio), buy my dad a real Les Paul something he's always dreamed about, and finally get my first car at 24ish!
Lovely home. If money were no object I would love to travel the world with my family. To be able to see the amazing things I read about or see on TV.
Money's no object? Oh, geez, what a thought!
I'd immediately dream about acreage with a single story home with a HUGE sewing space where ALL my sewing "stuff" could be in one HUGE room.
Love your new home and all your wonderful quilting ideas and projects...
although I don't post my quilt projects very often...I love to do it and have quilted for years!
Enjoyed looking through your work...
So glad I happened onto your blog today!
Stop in amytime too,
xoxo~Kathy @
Sweet Up-North Mornings...
Beautiful! I wish our "new" home was all ready to move into like yours is! We have a lot of remodeling to do before we can even think about moving in. I guess the best Christmas or birthday gift that I can think of right now would be to have the Holmes on Homes TV show come in and do the makeover for us!
I would buy land :-) There are empty 'lots' in my neighborhood that would be lovely to keep as open space for the wildlife and us 'viewers' to enjoy. I would buy land!
My dream, if money were no object, would be to buy a sail boat and live on it. I know that quilting would be would be a problem but I could make hex's,yoyo's & embroidery still!
By the way, I love your new home... and your front door is stunning!
I love your kitchen. If money were no object, I'd probably by a long arm.
You new home is gorgeous! Doncha just LOVE how fun it is to decorate a new home??? Sigh...can't wait for my nnext new home.... probably be my last one! Hmmmm.... money no object????? Hard to even concieve of such a thing, right? Ummm...a big house with a LIVE in maid!! LOL Polly
If money were no object, I would like a new home, one with bigger bedrooms to fit the 6 children better and a quilt room!
Your new kitchen is just wonderful!!! It looks like a wonderful home for entertaining. How blessed you are.
Happy Quilting!
kvogel at davisp dot com
Your home is just gorgeous...can I come and live? That kitchen is to die for.
I would want a long arm machine...one for me, my mother and sisters....that is alot of machines.
Your giveaway keeps getting better and better.
Holey Cow!!! I go away for a few days and you're giving away the goods! Just got to join in.
Your home is lovely! May I come live with you? Looking forward to more of the tour.
If money was no object. Hmmm! I guess the greatest birthday or Christmas gift would be a "Thread Shed". (We have the property for it) A complete sewing place all of my own. Totally organized, a new sewing machine and perhaps a quilting machine. Unlimited credit at my LQS. Boy do I feel greedy just writing this but thanks for asking! A girl can dream!
your new home is simply stunning ! Wishing you many years poof good health and happiness there
What a gorgeous kitchen! A luxury world cruise with my whole family and a long arm.
Your kitchen/family room openness is wonderful. Thanks for posting photos of your new house.
If money were no object, I would love a vacation package, like a cruise, or an around-the-world trip :)
Your new house is BEAUTIFUL! I have enjoyed the pictures. I love love love your entryway.
Okay, if I could wish for anything I wanted, I would love to have a new house, one with an attached garage, a fenced in yard for a dog, and a room just for me to use for my quilting studio. Oh, yeah, and TWO scotties to play in the back yard!
Thanks for sharing your house with us. It is gorgeous!
Sandy A
Oh sweetie I am in love with your new home - can't wait to see how you decorate! If money were no object I'd have a beautiful home like that!
the most important things I want can't be bought with money ( I want my kids to be truly happy in life) so I would say I want to bring my friend and her family from \New Zealand for a very snowy Christmas. It's summer there at Christmas so they don't get to do all th3 white and cold stuff.
What an awesome house. I love it. The front doors are beautiful. Congrats on the new house.
If money was no object...
I would have my own quilt shop. Quilting is a passion and calling God has given me to reach out to others in support and comfort.
Oh your new house is so lovely!!!!
No object - well I'd buy a compound with houses for each of our children and for us - plenty of space in between for the kids to play - and we'd all live together happily forever - and Grammy could have the grandkids over all the time.
You have a lovely home! I always enjoy seeing pictures of other's spaces!
Really, right now, since my Husband is laid off, my wants are simple. If money were no object, I'd pay off my house and car and pay up my bills for the next year. I would also make sure that my kids would have enough money for college as that has been a real struggle too. On a more personal note, I'd love to have a new sewing machine. I am using the same, basic model, Kenmore I have used for the last 25 years. I'm not complaining, mind you, it has been the most fantastic work horse a person could ask for!
Hello! My first wish would be to move in with you, your new home is so beautiful and open.
Now if my family of six can't move in with you, I would wish for a house of our own. I would want a big backyard with fruit trees, a sewing room, a school room and a huge kitchen with a center island. A girl can dream can't she.
But for now I am totally content with where God has us.
richshelpmate at yahoo dot com
Your house is gorgeous! If money were no object, I would do as I always say I would if I won the Lotto.. I would make sure my children were taken care of and I would travel. I would take one of those quilting cruises I hear so much about.
azkimbo at yahoo dot com
Well, the thing I want most can't be bought with money! That would be good health and living to an old age for all of my family. Other than that I'd love for my husband and I to retire and travel.
It's so much fun seeing your new home. It's nice to celebrate all of this with a giveaway!
Oh my! That kitchen is incredible! If money weren't an option I would want a new house or at least hardwood floors in our living room and dining room.
Wow...everything looks so open and airy. Its great. If I had money I would own a farm with an old farm house I would fix up and all the animals I could take care of. Thanks for sharing your new house with us!
Wow! So far from the photos you've shown, I could move right into your new home:) Love the openness of your kitchen and family room. More than one person can work in your kitchen at a time (a problem in our kitchen)
If money were no problem, I'd love to fully support our oldest son (my stepson) so that he could return to college and get a degree. Of course, that may be my dream for him and not his dream, but I'd love to have the means to encourage him in that direction.
What would you want if money was not a problem?
Thanks for these wonderful questions!
Your home is lovely! The kitchen is spectacular! If money were no object? Hmmm, a addition off my kitchen, with a garage and a room above for a sewing room, with a longarm of course! Thanks for the giveaway!
If money was no object I would buy a little cottage by the water. And, purchase a new sewing machine :)
Money no object? Are we talking lottery size no object, or one item very special birthday present? If it's the latter, well..oh, I'll go ahead and say it...a long arm of course I have no room to put it, so planning would have to take place to set it up.
Lottery size no object - just for me? Building the house we already have plans for.
Lynn D in NC
If money were no object, I hate to admit this, but I wish I had the money to cure my neighbor lady of cancer. I have so much already, I'd love to pay off my bills, but the more bills come along. Our cars are paid for, we've done the big house, but am happier in our more comfortably sized one now. Our daughters have what they need and don't ask for much else but time with their family. I'd love a new sewing machine, but then isn't there always something better coming along? :) Even with all the fabric in my stash, there always seems to be more to want, so I'm glad I don't have the money to buy everything I want. So, I'm sure this isn't what your question intended, but I'm truly blessed and wish I had the money to cure my neighbor friend before her alotted six months-to-a year.
Your new home has so much natural lighting - it's bright and cheery!
If money was no object, I would add a studio above an attached garage to our home. Last week when we had unexpected company, I had to put every item from my sewing away because my sewing room is also the guest bedroom. I'm still looking for stuff!
Love the new kitchen and all the beautiful windows. Oh happy day!!
If money were no object, I'd buy a new house and a long arm.
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