It all really started so simply when I would find a pattern and fabric for the pattern. It only made sense to keep the fabric all together in a bag. It started in the bag from the LQS.

They were pretty and sturdy. Some were purple, or pink, bright blue, red and even green. But then as I would collect fabrics for another project I wandered over to the plastic grocery bags (paper or plastic, mam?). Before long I was finding other bags to put projects in. The "green" bags from the stores worked great,
and the free giveaway bags from the Quilt shows. How about those large oversized zippy bags.

Then my dh came home with canvas bags from a convention he attended. These were even sturdier and had handles that could hold weight! Before I knew it, I was over run with project bags.
So have I become a bag lady?? There are so many projects that I have in mind, but they just end up in a project bag! Before I can get the first project started, I am drawn to a new one. Oh my! Am I the only one dealing with this dilemma??