Pray for the people of Ukraine.
Sunday, February 27, 2022
Saturday, February 26, 2022
Please pray
All major airports and military airfields have been bombed in Ukraine. Please pray for the people.
We have friends living there. Here is a short update from yesterday.
Thursday, February 24, 2022
Hello! Winner
I notified the winner of my giveaway by email (she does not seem to have a blog), but have not heard back. Check your spam folders. If she does not contact me by tomorrow I will draw a new winner.
Thanks so much for all the sweet comments. It's very encouraging to know you are still reading.
Wednesday, February 23, 2022
Take a tour
When I started blogging 13 years ago I mostly blogged about quilting, thrifting and my home. Things have really changed over the years, but here are a few significant blog posts.
We moved into a new home.I started a second blog. Moving all of the home, thrifting and travel.
Quilting and giveaways!
And of course - quilts!
I hope you enjoyed this little tour, and if you are interested (and have the time to browse), take a look around.
Let me know what you think :-)
Happy Quilting.
Monday, February 21, 2022
Another look
Thanks so much for all the encouraging comments. It is nice to know there are still folks enjoying reading the blogs.
So here is another look at the giveaway prize.
Some of the fabric from the bundle has Tacos! What would you make with these fun fabrics?
Be sure to leave a comment on Saturday's post. HERE is the link.
Happy Quilting.
Saturday, February 19, 2022
Happy Blogiversary
On February 19, 2009 I started blogging. I really didn't know a lot about blogging but had been following the Pioneer Woman, and thought I would give it a try. My goal was to journal my quilting adventure. Things have really changed in 13 years. A lot of bloggers are gone, as well as quilt shops. Comments are down, as I think many bloggers have gone over to Facebook and Instagram. But I have learned a lot from the bloggers who have sustained over the years.
As a "Thank You" to my readers and followers, and in appreciation for all of your kind comments, it seems appropriate to have a little giveaway!
Friday, February 18, 2022
I hope you enjoyed the Tickled Pink Blog Hop. The link has been updated so you can go right to the PDF file. Sorry for the inconvenience. I had to have my daughter help with the link, but it should work fine now.
Be sure to stop by tomorrow for my Blogiversary celebration :-)
Wednesday, February 16, 2022
Tickled Pink
Today is my day on the Tickled Pink Blog Hop. If you are visiting for the first time Welcome! Our host is Carla of Creatin’ in the Sticks.
I have made lots of pink quilts over the years. I consider myself a "pinkaholic!"
For years I have used a pattern to teach a newby how to quilt. It is a single page that, I feel, teaches all the basics of quilting.
Start with three colors. Dark, medium and light fabric.
Sew them in sets. Cut them into 24 five inch sets.Trim the edges.
You can add as many borders as you like. I am still auditioning for my borders.
Monday, February 14th
Monday, February 14, 2022
Sunday, February 13, 2022
Guess what starts tomorrow?
Tickled Pink Blog Hop
Monday, February 14th
Saturday, February 12, 2022
All set up?
Are you a football fan? Will you be glued to the TV set, or to your sewing machine? How are you celebrating the Super Bowl?
Have a fun weekend. And Happy Quilting!
Thursday, February 10, 2022
Back to Sewing
I've not been doing much sewing. Between back pain, uti, and then covid, the want to just wasn't there. But I would like to make some quilts for the upcoming Hands2Help challenge. I've participated before and it is always a good way to help others. The Academic Quilter will be hosting it this year.
Breaking out the GO! Baby to cut my sqaures.
I am hoping to make a couple for little boys. It is always so easy to make a quilt for a girl, but boys are a little more of a challenge.
Wednesday, February 9, 2022
Time is short
One month ago, we received a phone call that no one wants t get. My nephew's wife had not been feeling well for some time. But the news they got was not good. She was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. And the cancer had spread to her brain. Last Wednesday, she went to be with the Lord. Leaving a husband, and two young teenage daughters. It has rocked the family as we were all in shock.
We do not know how long we have here on earth. And something like this really reminds us that time is short.
"So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom." Psalm 90:12
Thursday, February 3, 2022
Keep it clean
Keeping the plate clean on your iron can be troublesome at times.
I recently found something that works not only on the scorch marks but on gunk that may accumulate on my iron.
But wa-la!!!