You know that old saying, "the best laid plans"? Well you know what usually seems to happen when you make plans for something to happen, and then something happens that makes it impossible to happen :-)
My trusty little Sony digital camera decided to take a little vacation today. Or should I say that the batteries decided to die............ So I can't take the pictures I was planning on until I can get to the super store and buy some refreshed AA's.
But I thought I would share with you some of my thrift store finds. Yea, it was a good week!

This tablecloth was in perfect condition. It is small, but perfect for an occasional table or even as a table topper. I could not believe it was only 79c.

I have also been on the look out for colorful vintage sheets. These prizes fit the ticket! And I fell in love with the pillowcase printed with a cross stitch pattern. It is actually a large body pillow size. These were all on sale for 1/2 price.

And how about this cute doll fabric?? I couldn't decide how I would use this, but there was no way it wasn't coming home with me :-)

I was so happy to find this! It is a great pressing tool, and on 1/2 price day it was only $1.50!!! Wooo-hooo

I hit the jackpot on this one. I have been collecting Aunt Martha patterns, but they are usually a couple of dollars. These were at the Hospice thrift store and were only 29c each!! Love, love, love all the vintage sewing notions.
There were several more items, but since the Sony is on vacation, they will have to wait. I'll let you know when the Sony gets back from its R&R.
What fun at the thrift shops - I love the vintage embroidery patterns, I must get some dishtowels and do more embroidery. I have several patterns for day of the week that I've not used yet.
Congratulations on your finds!! I am jealous. Thanks for sharing your photos with us.
Have a great day.
Gosh you have wonderful thrift shops in your area, we only have one and it's mostly just junk. I love the Aunt Martha patterns.
Wow! You found some great deals!
What a treasure. I love my little ironing board that is like that one. I got it in the 60s and use it all the time.
GREAT the paper-doll clothes fabric!
We used to have a few Hospice Thift stores in Michigan and they left us. Where did you go shopping?? Love to check it out.
What fantastic finds - Lucky You !!!
AH!! I need to go shopping with you !!!
What wonderful finds! I am happy that you found them. I love that fabric with the paper dolls on it and the first table cloth.
Wonderful finds and love the doll fabric!!!
P.S. I'm #100!!!!
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