Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Where do you create??

Where do you do your creative work? Where do you draw your creative juices from?? Do you cut, pin and sew at the dining room table?

For years I always did the bulk of my sewing at the dining room table. It worked for me because we also have a kitchen table. Which actually came in handy if my family wanted to eat. A couple of years ago, my dear sweet husband asked me if I would like to set up my sewing area in the den? Now our little den is pretty small, and it was the hub of activity for computer use. We also have an older TV in there for videos and DVD watching. But just having a place to set up my sewing machine and "not have to take it down" every few days was such a wonderful gift to me.

A couple of months ago, my friend Micki over in Ireland did a post about her work space. So I thought I would share a little bit about where I spend my sewing/quilting time.

The majority of my sewing is done right here. I have this wonderful old wardrobe that my dear hubby refinished and painted for me. He added shelves so that I could store my stash.

Directly across from my sewing machine table is the computer where I sit and read all of your wonderful blogs every day. I have two very packed bookcases that house many of my quilting books and magazines, reading material and more fabric stash ;-)

There's also a comfy chair to sit in whenever I need to do some hand work. It is a pretty tight little area, but it works for now.

I took these pictures at night, but there are two walls of windows which gives me a wonderful amount of light.

So now I'd like to hear. Where do you create??


Micki said...

Oh your sewing area is so awesome! Mine is all spread around the cottage. I really love where you sew! Thanks so much for ahring the pics.

marlene@ByTheSeam said...

I only have a dining area,more like an extension of the kitchen and not very big but it is better than having to take the machine down every few days. Your den is nice and you have a nice set up.

Darlene said...

What a delightful space - I truly love how comfy and cozy it looks! It's definitely your little nest. Thank you for sharing!

Crispy said...

My house is very small but I have managed to steal most areas for my creating. My corner of the living room for sitting and sewing, a computer desk for designing on EQ or reading blogs and my guest bedroom where projects and fabric migrate when not in use, my design wall is in there too. My stash is in the coat closet in my front entry, Bob put shelves in as his first project on the house LOL.


blushing rose said...

IF I could quilt or create, like all of you do, it would be in the office/TV room where we list all our feedsack fabrics. Since I can do none of what you all do ... I use this room for my reading & writing, as well.

Love your setting Jocelyn. One day I'll get brave & post my 'mess'. TTFN ~ Marydon

Sara said...

I actually sew at a kitchen table that is in a corner of our dining area. I do all my cutting, sewing everything at that table. Its crowded, but it works for now.

Love your space, crowded, but you seem to have lots of shelf space, which helps!

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

Great little sewing spot~ mine is kinda 'all over' :-/ I don't have one spot dedicated to sewing, so yes, I clean off the dining room table every afternoon~ and mess it up again the next morning! :-))

Tammy said...

Your creative space is very nice, cozy and very well organized! Pretty quilt on the chair also.
I sew at the kitchen table for now. Hubby is finishing up my new sewing room as I write this, a dream come true, I've been dreaming of a sewing room for 25 years.

Nat Palaskas said...

Your sewing space is so tidy and neat. I love the old wardrobe. I can see bolts of fabrics it there so cool. Thanks for sharing I love it - Natima

Tricia said...

Very cool space! You have a large stash :) I'm envious...My space is an entire room, until we have kids that is and then I'll be working on the dining room table. I'm enjoying it while I have it though!

Allie said...

Very nice!!!! A comfy chair is very important. I have my own room, but it's also my bedroom - my computer, tv, sewing machines, ironing table, exercise bike, and bed are all in here. For my stash I only have a dresser, so I don't buy fabric, lol. But it's MY space....and I love that.

Dena said...

I like your creative space. I'm fortunate to have a very large creative space... my friends affectionately refer to it as Dena's Sewing/Quilting Castle. I've written several posts about it, including pictures, on my blog:

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Great sewing space!
I combine my guest bedroom, office and sewing space. It works, but we have quite a few guests in the summer, so I have to put everything away. When I'm sewing, I cover the whole guest bed with a large sheet so I can spread things out according to project.

Amy Friend said...

Looks great! I love the big cabinet to hold your fabric. I finally have a little spot to set up and not have to keep putting my machine away at dinner. I will have to take a picture later and try to get it up.

Sharyn Mallow Woerz said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Your sewing space is lovely. Bigger space usually equals too much carpola, so small is good. I read somewhere that Paula Nadelstern does all her sewing in a tiny New York apartment, with a featherweight at her kitchen table. If she can do what she has done with that, then the rest of us can :) Sharyn at KalamaQuilts

Anonymous said...

I love your comfy-cozy hand stitching area. I am blessed to have a brand new wonderful studio (which houses my business) but I love comfy-cozy for handwork . . . your space looks very inviting!

Jess said...

Your space looks cozy and inspiring, thanks for sharing!

RosaMaría said...

lovely place!!

Shawn said...

Your sewing space looks just great, cozy and inspirational! Have Fun!