My mother in love is a china painter.

She has been painting china for over 30 years. She paints white china and fires them in a kiln. Here's a sampling of her art ............

And these are some pieces that she has blessed me with...............

I love the old fashioned roses on this Lemonade pitcher.

It is a little hard to see, but the spout of the pitcher is tilted for pouring.

This is one of my favorite pieces - a Coffee and Tea service....

My mother in love's hands are wracked with arthritis now, and it is very difficult for her to hold a brush. But she still enjoys putting a little paint on some china when she can.
Thank you for letting me share these beautiful pieces with you. Enjoy your day :-)
The china is beautiful and what wonderful heirlooms of your mother's talent. Something to be cherished!
THANK YOU so much for showing some of her work--artistry. It is beautiful!
I love the things she has painted and I'm sure you treasure the items she has gifted to you.
Again, thanks. I pray for her in dealing with her arthritis. My own dear mother had rheumatoid arthritis from as early as I can remember. It was a terribly painful, so I know how she feels. Unfortunately I'm getting arthritis now, too, but thankfully it's not rheumatoid.
These are beautiful and so treasured, I know. Thank you for showing her work. What a true artist!
Oh wow, I sure enjoyed that...what an amazing gift your mom has. She will be leaving her mark in this life for years to come.
Unbelievable! The talent!! WOW!!!
Thank YOU for sharing - incredible talent.
She really does beautiful work! You are very blessed to have such a generous Mother-In-Love! (I love your phrasing, btw!)
Your Mother-In-Love does beautiful work. I especially like the one with the two birds sitting on the branch. I'm sure it must be very difficult for her not to be able to enjoy her passion as much as before the arthritis. Thank you for sharing these with us.
What an interesting hobby and such gorgeous work! Thank you for sharing!
Just sooooooooo lovely! I'm in love with all things hand painted. Especially CHINA!
Tell your momma I LOVE HER WORK!
Oh how beautiful. Hubby's grandmother used to do that, until she had a stroke and lost the use of her right hand. She's gone now, and my mil has kept all her pieces.
What a treasure you have there! She is an extremely talented lady.
Amazing! I covet the one with all the lavender. I think it was the 2nd one. The one in the square gold frame!
Oh Jocelyn those are just lovely!!! I love the grape one and the tea set. What treasures!!
This lady has talent...pure talent. This is something I always wanted to do...but lack the ability. Thankfully I can enjoy and appreciate others' work. What treasures! Thank you for sharing them with us. ; )
Those pieces are absolutely EXQUISITE!!! Please tell her how much we all love her work. You are blessed to own some of her pieces.
Hi, My special friend ~ Your MIL is blessed with a beautiful talent. Her work is very similar to the German style painting done on china back when ... they are soft, demure yet rich.
Hope things are well for you ... having a yard sale tomorrow & Sat. so been prepping for that. Be glad when it is over, LMTU. Hugs, TTFN ~ Marydon
OH thank you so much for sharing those with us - they are exquisite. I've always admired that kind of painting and love the pieces that you have. I think my favorites are the pitchers - I love pitchers. You are so very fortunate to have such a wonderful woman in your life.
Your mother in love is an ARTIST for sure. Wow oh WOW..I love it all. Thanks so much for posting these pictures.
hey Jocelyn!
I am so sorry it has been taking me so long to get your PRIZE in the mail, should go out no later than Saturday:) Would you be able to e-mail me your address please. Any specific "boy stuff" or colors you like?? Thank you for your patience:)
WOW! Just beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
Those are so beautiful and that is an understatement. What a talented lady, too bad about her hands because that is a lost art.
Wow!!! I have always wished I could paint. Thanks for sharing your mom's beautiful talent with us.
Have a great day.
How beautiful! You have one very talented Mother in Love...I especially love the old fashioned roses too.
x Lori
Hi Jocelyn, I discovered your blog while surfing other blogs, as we do! and I've greatly enjoyed reading it. So much so, I'm adding you to my favorites! Your MIL's china painting is exquisite. My late uncle did some of this, and I have just one of his plates, which I treasure. One of my friends also did a fair bit of china painting, but gave it up because she didn't believe she was good enough. I told her she was crazy - I have several of her pieces, and love to show them to friends who visit. She had a stroke two years ago and now can't do anything like that at all, so my small collection of her work is double precious.
How beautiful! What treasures!
How beautiful! I love how you call her your Mother in love. I love my mother in law so much. If the Lord is willing she will come live with us by this time next year.
I remember this post the first time!! Can't believe I didn't comment then...
such beautiful china...what a treasure...
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